possible personal hearing

I would hate that personally, I think the referee should have the option of staying to hear the verdict??:confused:
It's for the safety of the referee. If the person gets found guilty, who's to say they're not going to wait for you at the train station to give you a kicking?! Unfortunate, but has obviously happened, otherwise they would allow you to leave together.
A&H International
It's for the safety of the referee. If the person gets found guilty, who's to say they're not going to wait for you at the train station to give you a kicking?! Unfortunate, but has obviously happened, otherwise they would allow you to leave together.
I see what you mean but I'd still like to know the outcome.
The result will be posted on the County FAs website at some point as they all update their disciplinary sections regularly.

Personally, I did really care what the outcome is on most cases when I had them. Providing I knew I'd done what was required of me on the day then I wasn't concerned about what happened.
The verdict is none of your business. You do your thing, then off you go, move on. Forget about it.

Until a colleague or rival team tell you exactly what the result was a couple of weeks later that is... :rolleyes:
The result will be posted on the County FAs website at some point as they all update their disciplinary sections regularly

Sussex stopped posting results last season. Reason given was that posting d.o.b's contravened the data protection act.

I spotted a simple solution to that within a few seconds of getting that response

County f.a's, god love 'em!
The verdict is none of your business. You do your thing, then off you go, move on. Forget about it.
I disagree with you there mate, I think that the ref should be/ is entitled to know the result of the hearing just like a witness in a court case.
Lol - okay, but be prepared to spend a lot of time feeling bitter about the fact that this process will never change.
I disagree with you there mate, I think that the ref should be/ is entitled to know the result of the hearing just like a witness in a court case.

Totally agree HullRef! Thankfully, I've only had to deal with a personal hearing once and even then it went ahead in my absence (long story) but I'm still bitter about it. I wanted to know what happened to the middle aged man who stormed onto the pitch to scream at a terrified 14 year old referee, reducing him to tears :mad:

I did find out what had happened a few weeks later, when I was informed that he'd got away with it by another manager:mad:. I wish the FA had told me!
I'm just back from the hearing, I have to be really careful what I say here, but someone who wasn't expected to was representing the accused and conducted himself inappropriately towards myself on a few occasions in the course of the hearing, I'm just so glad it's over
I think it went ok, he denied everything, but his witness contradicted a few things he said
I'm just back from the hearing, I have to be really careful what I say here, but someone who wasn't expected to was representing the accused and conducted himself inappropriately towards myself on a few occasions in the course of the hearing, I'm just so glad it's over

I know you can't say too much, but how was somebody allowed to act inappropriately towards you? Aren't the FA supposed to protect you?

Just be glad it's over, you did nothing wrong. Remember that and move on! :)