Post course games


Well-Known Member
Hi again I’m just wondering how one gets to do there 5 games after the basic course
1) do you organise yourself ?
2) can you choose your games league etc and how local they might be
Thanks in advance
A&H International
Speak to your RDO and he will put you in contact with the people who appoint to the leagues. They should ensure your first 5 games should be at a level suitable for you. You can choose which leagues you want to officiate in and once a few teams have used you you will soon get the Friday SOS my appointed ref has pulled out are you free on ........ It snowballs from. At the moment it is friendly time but come September you will race through your 5 games. Also start revising for your exam now, areferee.com is useful revision tool along with reading the refs bible.
Speak to your RDO and he will put you in contact with the people who appoint to the leagues. They should ensure your first 5 games should be at a level suitable for you. You can choose which leagues you want to officiate in and once a few teams have used you you will soon get the Friday SOS my appointed ref has pulled out are you free on ........ It snowballs from. At the moment it is friendly time but come September you will race through your 5 games. Also start revising for your exam now, areferee.com is useful revision tool along with reading the refs bible.
Thank you that’s great info
Just on this, ive recently passed basic course, do i have to do another exam in x amount of time to become fully qualified ?
No, not heard anything since the original course, done a couple of games, how would anyone even know if i have or haven't done five games ?
Be proactive. My RDO put me in touch with the local youth league, after 3 weeks I didn't get a single appointment so I emailed all the local league's and within hours I'd got games lined up.

There were 50 of us on my course, 47 school age and 3 of us post playing career age looking for another way of avoiding the wife and kids at the weekend :) if I was cynic I'd suggest that the league favoured the younger refs on the course as they'd all comfortably met the 5 game limit. But suffice to say that come November I was getting several emails a week to see if I was available for matches, which I never was as if sorted myself out with the OA league's.

I suppose this is a terribly boring and long winded way of advising you to go and sort yourself out, it only takes a few emails
I get that and have another couple lined up, is someone supposed to come out and monitor me in any of these games ?
I get that and have another couple lined up, is someone supposed to come out and monitor me in any of these games ?
Unless things have changed since the season before last, you should have been advised at the end of your course if you need mentoring. If you're an adult, you may have been assessed as competent, in which case you just crack on. Your RDO is your point of contact during your trainee games, a phase which I found difficult and one in which you'll need to do the chasing
Unless you are going for promotion you won't get anyone keeping an eye on you. From this forum I have learnt there are not enough refs to go round and assess so you will be left alone and you will have to just get on with it. After each game try and find things you did well in the game and things you think you should improve and go into the next match as these as focus points. Try to get on a few lines as you can see how other refs work and that is a great learning tool. You will have bad games although they might not be the ones the players are telling you are having. A big tip if you do make a howler during the game try not to dwell on it, as you will just then make mistake after mistake. Try and park it until the drive home if you can. Use this forum to get opinions but remember people on this forum can be blunt, as we are writing rather than talking and I think that when things are written instead of spoken they can be taken in the wrong context. For every decision posted there will be at least 3 different views, but read them all and use them as a learning tool. Once you get into the season you will come across so many questions but every one is here to help. On a footnote despite me emailing my county FA where and when all my first 5 games were I was never visited by an assessor. WE do now have a new RDO now.
Unless you are going for promotion you won't get anyone keeping an eye on you. From this forum I have learnt there are not enough refs to go round and assess so you will be left alone and you will have to just get on with it. After each game try and find things you did well in the game and things you think you should improve and go into the next match as these as focus points. Try to get on a few lines as you can see how other refs work and that is a great learning tool. You will have bad games although they might not be the ones the players are telling you are having. A big tip if you do make a howler during the game try not to dwell on it, as you will just then make mistake after mistake. Try and park it until the drive home if you can. Use this forum to get opinions but remember people on this forum can be blunt, as we are writing rather than talking and I think that when things are written instead of spoken they can be taken in the wrong context. For every decision posted there will be at least 3 different views, but read them all and use them as a learning tool. Once you get into the season you will come across so many questions but every one is here to help. On a footnote despite me emailing my county FA where and when all my first 5 games were I was never visited by an assessor. WE do now have a new RDO now.
This is s great reply !!!! To all that need it thanks