Post game comments


Active Member
Looking for a bit of advice here.

Had a fairly competitive game, threatened to boil over in patches but didn’t. Had to sinbin one player for dissent, warned him and then binned.

Post game he came to shake my hand and then asked how long I’d played in the second half. I told him I cleared my watch (REFSIX) to which he laughed and said “yeah of course you have” I then asked if he implied I had not played correct time and he laughed and walked away saying something in polish I believe. Now I know I should have probably kept the watch timer on. I’ve checked the game and I played way over time (not that I doubted myself) . Should I report this to the league as I felt he was questioning my integrity/ calling me a cheat?

A&H International
I'm not convinced you'd get very far with a report here. He hasn't really said anything of note.

After his comment, I'd have probably walked off. All you risk doing is enflaming the situation by asking him the question.

If he flat out calls you a cheat, report by all means.
It's provocative at best, but it's not outright accusing you of cheating, I agree.

Managers will often choose to act like petulant children after full time, just let them think they've had the last say and don't engage.

For me, it's not worth a report
That’s what I thought. Not specifically said anything. I didn’t think it was worthy but just wanted to garner opinion
I always clear my watch—I’m never going to engage in a debate about it after the game. For a question like his, my answer is going to be something like, “full time of course.” And not welcome further discussion.

and I agree with others—while likely what he said in Polish warranted a 2CT, if you don’t know, you can’t give the card.
This is where 2 watches come in handy. There are several reasons I use 2, and at the end of the match, I stop 1 and keep the other going so I can prove my case if needed. However, I normally just ignore them first because it isn't worth the hassle
I wouldn’t bother even seriously engaging in a conversation like that, never mind trying to prove my point. I know I’ve played the right amount of time and that’s all that matters.
I'm perfectly happy to show them my watches when this happens. I stop and reset the sports watch, but stop the other one as soon as I blow for time. I've got nothing to hide so, as long as they are being reasonably polite and calm, they can have a look at how much time was on the watch when I ended the game / half.