Pre course study


Well-Known Member
Ok I’ve just got my course prepack through
Quite alarmed at the pre study questions !!
They seem quite daunting but I suppose all you guys went through it all ? Any tips
A&H International
Don't worry about them, they're just to get you thinking like a referee.

Work through the questions without looking at anything, just from memory. Then have a read through the laws and go back to have another go at the questions filling in anything you may have missed.

On your course you'll be taught the full laws of the game, no prior knowledge is assumed, although it does help to know the basics and have some knowledge of the game.

Hope that helps and good luck with the course and your refereeing career!
Do exactly what Kieran W has said and use areferee.com do a test a day at least leading up to your exam.
Beware: there are still quite a few answers in areferee.com which predate the recent changes even as far back as 15/16 changes.

Obviously you hit the ”report error” button to help fix it?
I had this image saved from a couple of months ago. There was actually another question after this one with a wrong answer as well. I think I did report it at the time. I have also emailed them a couple of times in the past. Its a good resource, petty its accuracy has been affected a fair bit with a lot of changes in the law in the last few years.
I did a test on arereferee two weeks ago, and that test was woefully out of date. About six questions were not updated to reflect the latest laws.

Still, it is a useful resource all the same, just double-check the answers with the Law book as you go along and if there's any doubt, post the question here I suppose and we could group-debate it? :D