Pre-match chat with players

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I stumbled across this youtube video today and saw the referee had a chat with the players of each team before the game. Is this common? I've not seen this before in the games where I have been AR so I wonder if it was due to the nature of the cup game? I've started the link at the beginning of his chat.

Either way, that referee was very impressive during this little chat. Very clear, composed and gave useful information. Well done that man.
A&H International
i really liked what he said and how he said it...however i'd never do anything like that at any level of the game.

a quick 10/15 seconds with the skipper before the toss and 30 seconds with secretary / managers as needed by league rules at teemsheet exchnage is enough for me
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I used to do similar and to be honest, still quite like the idea. Usual caveats apply (speak in hypotheticals so you don't lock yourself in, keep it brief and keep it to stuff relevant to the players), but I do think if you get it right, it can be a good way to set out your stall initially.

But. While you can do this at grassroots level, as soon as you start working in a team of 3, the opportunity goes away. Teams at that level are more professional, they'll have their warm up routines and you butting in to give your little speech will be annoying and probably come across as patronising too. So for that reason, I got out of the habit and even now when I go back to grassroots, I stick to talking "formally" to the manager, CAR's and captains.
Well said and all true. I used to do something similar long time ago. But not anymore. It all makes sense but you are not telling them anything they already don't know. The behaved teams get on with it if one of those things happen in the game, even if you haven't told them before the match. The misbehaved one complain even if you have had that chat.

Nowadays, if there is time, the exchange of pleasantry before the toss goes a little longer but I don't repeat what they should already know.
When I started as a ref many, many moons ago, it was traditional in my area to give a spiel (for heaven's sake, with the youngers, we would even demo TIs and bad TIs:eek:). But I don't know that anyone listened. I've long since stopped doing any of that. At younger ages, I might remind all the players during check in that AR flags are for me and not them and to not stop playing (especially in games where I know my ARs may be less than stellar). (In other games I generally say that to the captains if I haven't to the teams, and ask them to remind their defenders and GKs--not so much cuz I think they will but so if I do wave down a flag and they get upset, I can ask them to talk to their captain.)
Waste of time. Quick chat with skippers at team sheets or the toss (depending on what competition you are doing).

They should know what is and isn't acceptable. The ones that care about that will know when they've overstepped the mark. The ones that don't care, it will make no difference to in any case.
I'm told of one local referee who apparently does something similar before each match (no names- no pack drill ;)) ie gets the players together and "lectures" them on his expectations of them etc. prior to kick off. :rolleyes:

Goes down like a wasp omelette ... :D
I speak to both teams before kickoff, do my equipment checks at the same time. Simple talk to me like I’m talking to you now and we’ll be fine, play to the whistle and enjoy
I don’t think I seen that referee run once in that clip 😂 (not a criticism).

More often than not I think my spiel to the captains at the toss is a waste of time. I keep it brief- remind them there’s no AR’s meaning OS calls are as best I can so don’t want grief over them. Then ask that they speak to me as adults over decisions, shouting and screaming =C2.

They all nod and agree then the first borderline OS call doesn’t go their way, cue the grief, shouting and screaming from the captains 😂.
I don’t think I seen that referee run once in that clip 😂 (not a criticism).

More often than not I think my spiel to the captains at the toss is a waste of time. I keep it brief- remind them there’s no AR’s meaning OS calls are as best I can so don’t want grief over them. Then ask that they speak to me as adults over decisions, shouting and screaming =C2.

They all nod and agree then the first borderline OS call doesn’t go their way, cue the grief, shouting and screaming from the captains 😂.
But that shouldn't be the end of the story. You've literally written that you threaten initially to card them for shouting and screaming.

So when they start shouting and screaming, do you get the cards out? Or do you use that pre-match chat as a reminder: "Captain, remember what we talked about at the coin toss, don't start responding to me like that for every decision that goes against you". Or do you just ignore it?

The pre-match chat isn't your only opportunity to show match control. It's the starting point and something you can refer back to - if you choose not to do so when the opportunity comes up, that's on you.
I never have a pre-match chat with players. It just sets me up for problems later, and I expect the players to know what is expected of them. Even with captains it is simple:

Good evening. You're home team so please call it: heads or tails? Would you like to kick off or choose sides? Thanks, we're starting in 10 minutes, have the starting 11 lined up for an equipment check in 7.
But that shouldn't be the end of the story. You've literally written that you threaten initially to card them for shouting and screaming.

So when they start shouting and screaming, do you get the cards out? Or do you use that pre-match chat as a reminder: "Captain, remember what we talked about at the coin toss, don't start responding to me like that for every decision that goes against you". Or do you just ignore it?

The pre-match chat isn't your only opportunity to show match control. It's the starting point and something you can refer back to - if you choose not to do so when the opportunity comes up, that's on you.

“HE’S OFSIIIIIIIDE REF!!!” is the shouting I’m eluding to, if I tell them to carry on that is. One from the weekend just gone when I gave a close OS was “AH YOU'RE KILLING ME REF”. The former is more in appeal but usually has a follow-up comment. They’d get a word if they followed up with initial appeal by repeating himself. The latter more in disappointment but again, a quick reminder about no AR’s and that questioning my calls will only result in one thing, usually does the trick.

I don’t deem either of the above worthy of a sin bin unless they repeated it after warnings.

Wouldn’t ignore dissent anymore, made that mistake and it only results in more dissent, leading to abuse if they’re particularly unpleasant. One of the lessons learnt! But it does make me laugh when you finish the pre-match brief thinking you’ve got both captains on your side, only to find out they’re the team idiots.
“HE’S OFSIIIIIIIDE REF!!!” is the shouting I’m eluding to, if I tell them to carry on that is. One from the weekend just gone when I gave a close OS was “AH YOU'RE KILLING ME REF”. The former is more in appeal but usually has a follow-up comment. They’d get a word if they followed up with initial appeal by repeating himself. The latter more in disappointment but again, a quick reminder about no AR’s and that questioning my calls will only result in one thing, usually does the trick.

I don’t deem either of the above worthy of a sin bin unless they repeated it after warnings.

Wouldn’t ignore dissent anymore, made that mistake and it only results in more dissent, leading to abuse if they’re particularly unpleasant. One of the lessons learnt! But it does make me laugh when you finish the pre-match brief thinking you’ve got both captains on your side, only to find out they’re the team idiots.

The problem is, in your mind you have a clear idea of what you will and won’t expect, but 22 players will each have a slightly different expectation based on what you’ve said, that’s what causes the problems.

Simple analogy, ask 22 people to draw and colour in a picture of a house. How many of them will exactly match the picture you have in your mind....?

Simply setting yourself up to fail.
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