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    • GraemeS
      It's tactics rather than refereeing, but 4-4-2 have a really good video on YouTube about why they think it was a necessary change that I...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to ARF's post in the thread ENG V SUI with Like Like.
      Unless I missed one, it was his third foul, the first of which he was cautioned for. Hardly persistent infringement, IMO.
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to one's post in the thread Copa America 2024 with Like Like.
      Safe refereeing is often misinterpreted. It should be applied when a decision has minimal impact on either team and fairness, and it...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to socal lurker's post in the thread Law Changes from July 2024 with Like Like.
      It is interesting (at least to me) that prior to being put in the Law separately, unnaturally bigger was taught as a kind of deliberate...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to deusex's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Haha Haha.
      Classic. "I disagree so you must be biased" "Everyone has blinkers except for me!" Next you'll be threatening to lock the thread 👍
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to one's post in the thread ESP v GEO with Like Like.
      Ok, seen it now. For me this is a matter of interpretation of of "releasing it" and I don't think the laws intended to define this as...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread ESP v GEO with Like Like.
      I personally don't think football expects an IDFK in a situation where a goalkeepers momentum is going to take him out of the area as he...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to deusex's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Like Like.
      Do you ever get bored of playing Devil's advocate?
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to bester's post in the thread England v Slovakia with Like Like.
      Referee played an advantage on the goal. Guehi should be off for a second yellow, clear DOGSO.
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread GER DEN with Like Like.
      I think (/hope) the penny is finally starting to drop with commentators and presenters that match officials are doing what they’re told...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to FirsFox40's post in the thread GER DEN with Like Like.
      MO made a gesture to whoever the German lad on his arse was that Havertz got the shot away and they're not having two bites of the cherry
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to RefereeX's post in the thread GEO V POR with Like Like.
      For me it’s a penalty, but it shouldn’t be a penalty. He could easily have stayed up, the contact was there but it wasn’t what caused...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS replied to the thread Netherlands vs France.
      We surely can't expect the keeper to deliberately dive into an opponent in the PA, probably giving a penalty away, on the vague...
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS replied to the thread Netherlands vs France.
      Keeper would have to have dived through the attacker to make a save. Certainly "feels" offside to me for that reason.
    • GraemeS
      GraemeS reacted to es1's post in the thread Netherlands vs France with Like Like.
      I think it has to be given. He's a yard away directly in the path of where the keeper would have dived. That said, the keeper doesn't...
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