Pre-Match Comments


RefChat Addict
How do you all respond to the things coaches say before matches?

You know the type, number 7 did this the last time we played them, watch him; they're a really dirty team; watch their midfielder etc. I'll generally respond with something along the lines of "Ill keep that in mind, but I don't go into games with any pre-conceptions. I'll ref it as I see it and deal with anything that needs to be dealt with".

What do they expect to achieve? Is it trying to influence the ref? It must work on occasion or they wouldn't do it, but it does really irritate me.
A&H International
Absolutely they are trying to influence you. It really bugs me as well. Especially at youth level. Had the other week saying to watch during the post match handshake as the other team had been hitting his lads all match. It was u10, they really aren't clever enough at that age to be doing that on the sly!

Generally I try and judge it on each situation but I'll say something along the lines of "we'll see how the game goes". Although more often than not I try and make light of the situation and say something like "I know how this conversation goes. Next you'll be telling me your chaps are all saints." I've found this works quite well as let's them know youre on to what they are trying to do. If they don't take it well I'll follow up saying I'll keep my eye on whatever player, much like I'll be keeping my eye on the other 21 out there as it's my job.
I'll keep an eye on it mate. Then walk off and completely ignore the comments and referee the game as I see it.
Just totally and utterly ignore it. I don't even dignify it with a response. If someone is a tool they will be dealt with. Makes no difference what they did last week.
Interrupt him.

Coach that was last game. Let's see how this one goes can we please, unless you can tell me the result in which case I'll nip off and put a fiver on it shall I? Im Still waiting on your team sheet and match balls please.
My advice is never let anyone try to dictate how you will referee the game, and of course every game is different and can throw up new situations. Judge everything on its merit.