Open Age Pre-match routine

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Most can't remember it ^^^^^^^^^^^^

If you ever needed your proof that nobody is listening to your pre match guff, there you go. They cant remember it because even though they heard it, they did not listen.
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A&H International
I always tell the coaches that I'll be doing a kit and jewelry check. And tell them what I'll be checking, in a friendly way.

Mainly so it is easier to sell when I tell a player to change their sock tape etc.

I'd never trust a coach to police their players jewellery etc.

I don't and I do still do the check. But 9 times out of 10 any jewellery has been removed because the coach has told them to remove it because he doesn't want to lose a player for a minute or two during the match.

”why bother” speaking to coaches? Seems a big glib. From the posts on this forum, talking to coaches before the match, even if it’s just practical/small talk is important, and becomes mandatory as you go higher.

To be honest, I didn't make myself too clear when I wrote that bit. :p

Of course I speak to the coaches prior to the match stuff. Even if it's only to ask for their team sheets and for them to nominate me an AR. Everybody does that. All I meant in my previous post is that I don't have any specific speech or pre-match instruction that I relay to them. That's reserved for only the team captains before the toss who, as Licey Rymus above says, probably aren't even listening anyway. ;) :)
To be honest, I didn't make myself too clear when I wrote that bit. :p

Of course I speak to the coaches prior to the match stuff. Even if it's only to ask for their team sheets and for them to nominate me an AR. Everybody does that. All I meant in my previous post is that I don't have any specific speech or pre-match instruction that I relay to them. That's reserved for only the team captains before the toss who, as Licey Rymus above says, probably aren't even listening anyway. ;):)

Licey Rymus? i heard that !
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I don't and I do still do the check. But 9 times out of 10 any jewellery has been removed because the coach has told them to remove it because he doesn't want to lose a player for a minute or two during the match.

Why would they lose a player for a minute or two of the match?

Surely you would perform your checks with enough time that a player would be able to resolve most things before the stated kick off time?
Why would they lose a player for a minute or two of the match?

Surely you would perform your checks with enough time that a player would be able to resolve most things before the stated kick off time?

Perhaps I'm not explaining this well enough. I go to the manager when he and his team are doing their warm ups, get the team sheets have a chat and before I go to ask the manager to tell the players to remove any jewellery because if I see any during the match then I'll be asking that player to leave the pitch to take it off. Unlike the players, managers do listen pre match and he tells the players to remove all the jewellery. I'll do a jewellery/kit check later but I very rarely if ever find any jewellery because the manager has told them to take it off. It works great for me and I do it because I saw other refs do it when I played and it always worked well and I thought that it was a good idea. If it doesn't work for you then that's obviously fine
Perhaps I'm not explaining this well enough. I go to the manager when he and his team are doing their warm ups, get the team sheets have a chat and before I go to ask the manager to tell the players to remove any jewellery because if I see any during the match then I'll be asking that player to leave the pitch to take it off. Unlike the players, managers do listen pre match and he tells the players to remove all the jewellery. I'll do a jewellery/kit check later but I very rarely if ever find any jewellery because the manager has told them to take it off. It works great for me and I do it because I saw other refs do it when I played and it always worked well and I thought that it was a good idea. If it doesn't work for you then that's obviously fine

That's fine, what he's saying is the player should never be in a situation where they have to go off to take jewellery off and it's on you to ensure that.

Personally, I think stuff happens. I had a player sneak jewellery on and I honestly didn't notice it as you had to be at a specific angle to see it. It was one of those tiny inside the ear earrings that lay in a hoop around the inside of the ear, so it didn't stand out like a stud or anything of the like. I'm not particularly up to date with modern jewellery, but that's a lesson learned for me - though, its a bit awkward to check for that one...

He would have got away with it if he hadn't come over to give me a bit of dissent and basically turned his head the perfect angle for me to spot it. :hmmm:
Perhaps I'm not explaining this well enough. I go to the manager when he and his team are doing their warm ups, get the team sheets have a chat and before I go to ask the manager to tell the players to remove any jewellery because if I see any during the match then I'll be asking that player to leave the pitch to take it off. Unlike the players, managers do listen pre match and he tells the players to remove all the jewellery. I'll do a jewellery/kit check later but I very rarely if ever find any jewellery because the manager has told them to take it off. It works great for me and I do it because I saw other refs do it when I played and it always worked well and I thought that it was a good idea. If it doesn't work for you then that's obviously fine

That's fine, but the way you described it initially was that you asked the managers to check and then if you caught anyone wearing jewellery they would miss a minute our two of the match while they took it out/off. This infers that you wouldn't do a check before the game starts, as if you did anyone caught wouldn't nee to miss a few minutes of the game.
That's fine, what he's saying is the player should never be in a situation where they have to go off to take jewellery off and it's on you to ensure that.

Personally, I think stuff happens. I had a player sneak jewellery on and I honestly didn't notice it as you had to be at a specific angle to see it. It was one of those tiny inside the ear earrings that lay in a hoop around the inside of the ear, so it didn't stand out like a stud or anything of the like. I'm not particularly up to date with modern jewellery, but that's a lesson learned for me - though, its a bit awkward to check for that one...

He would have got away with it if he hadn't come over to give me a bit of dissent and basically turned his head the perfect angle for me to spot it. :hmmm:

I alwaysbdo the jewellery check, someone else just does it before me and makes my life easier. I'm already doing the work of 3 people as there's no AR's in my league's. I've not had anyone sneak jewellery on and this season I'm yet to see a single piece of jewellery, although I've had several incidents of people who he taped ear rings in and 2 asking if they need to take their rings from the unmentionables lol