
Charlie Bruce

New Member
Level 6 Referee
With the start of the season creeping up on us I could really do with some sort of fitness ideas.

I'm not a lover of road running and prefer running when doing something (like football) as it takes my mind off the running.

Any help appreciated?
A&H International
I have just be turned onto hill sprints. Interesting concept and quite simple training session.

Find a steep hill with at least 40 metres of run. Sprint up it at full pelt.
Walk back down, recover enough to put in maximum effort again. Repeat.

Hailed as great for power, stamina, weight loss and injury prevention. How valid are the claims? Far too early to tell. However, I am aching in slightly different places than after regular running training, so who knows.
I have just be turned onto hill sprints. Interesting concept and quite simple training session.

Find a steep hill with at least 40 metres of run. Sprint up it at full pelt.
Walk back down, recover enough to put in maximum effort again. Repeat.

Hailed as great for power, stamina, weight loss and injury prevention. How valid are the claims? Far too early to tell. However, I am aching in slightly different places than after regular running training, so who knows.
A similar training system used to be used by all the professional clubs when they didn't have state of the art academies. They used to get players to run up and down the terraces.