Preparing for exam


Well-Known Member
Level 4 Referee
Preparing for my exam and going through some practice exams online...someone help me with this one. The offense took place outside of the box and presumably play was stopped because of that - why is it a pen? IMG_0091.PNG
A&H International
Think of it like this:

Foul (holding) takes place outside penalty area, but refs let's play continue to see how it develops (advantage, although ref probably won't signal it at this point)

Play continues, an advantage acrues: foul in penalty area, hence a penalty is awarded.

That would be my thinking ...
It's documented on page 85 of the laws, as below ...

If a defender starts holding an attacker outside the penalty area and continues holding inside the penalty area, the referee must award a penalty kick
Yes but this says stops holding in the area...if it was 'continues' I would get it.
Yes but this says stops holding in the area...if it was 'continues' I would get it.
Yes, but the hold continued until the players entered the penalty area, then ceased.

So, the hold BEGAN outside the penalty, the players crossed the line into the penalty area, then the hold ends.

As such, the defender "continues holding inside the penalty area" up to the point of ceasing.
Still not convinced those tests have been fully updated to the new laws yet.
You always punish the most serious offence, thus holding just inside the box is more serious than just outside- penalty kick is the award

I used the site for my L4 exam, no issues with new laws. They seemed to be covered
You always punish the most serious offence, thus holding just inside the box is more serious than just outside- penalty kick is the award

ok got it - I had interpreted 'stops holding just inside' to be no hold in the box but I suppose the hold was still happening on the line so I get it. Thx.
I had interpreted 'stops holding just inside' to be no hold in the box but I suppose the hold was still happening on the line so I get it.
There is no indication in the question that the holding only continued until the line, it stays it didn't stop until the players were already inside the area. For it not to be a penalty, it would have to say the holding stopped while they were outside the area.
You always punish the most serious offence, thus holding just inside the box is more serious than just outside-
That's not the principle in use here though - that refers to two separate and distinct offences. Here we have one offence, continuing over a short period.

If anything, it's more akin to appplying the advantage rule (as RefJef says) - the player is being held but is still making progress into the penalty area so is heading into a more advantageous situation however you look at it. But in the end, strictly speaking it's neither advantage nor simultaneous offences, it's just applying the law as it is written for this specific scenario.
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