Promotion letters

A&H International
What he hasn't said is Level 3 = FIFA Assistant in Wales.
Congrats Reffariiii.
Too bloody right he did! I feel an abuse of my admin powers coming up!
Wooooooow, hang on boys. I am NOT FIFA Line.

The levels in Wales have changed for the upcoming season. Don't ask me to explain it, because I am not entirely sure myself, and I cannot find anything explaining it.

The new level 3 is equivalent to the old level 4, so I still have another half a season at least before FIFA!

Thanks for having faith in me though :cool::p
Oh what! I look like an idiot now.. Oh well!
Are they adopting the English levels?
Don't worry about, not many people know about the change! Not sure how the English system works tbh to be able to compare!