The Ref Stop

Protocol- Junior football & some other questions!

The Ref Stop
As others have said best to contact leagues directly, but your county appointments officer(s) will also cover different competitions.

Here , as well as the County Cup comps, they also appoint for Bostick U18s, our local National League club's academy games as well as the 4 senior women's teams in the county. For those non county cup comps, they appoint ARs and FA appoint the referees. They also get numerous requests from other leagues/clubs for officials. Here as well as them, there is a person who works for the County as an administrator and he also gets requests for officials. So do get on the 'list' for those and you will get games, or at least emails asking for volunteers.

Finally, worth contacting local schools, who will also be looking for officials - next season now though for them.

Its not for everyone, but I much prefer officiating on lots of different competitions/age groups/male and female - I find it much more interesting than just sticking to one or two leagues.

Hope that helps