PSG v Madrid


RefChat Addict
Just an observation but the German referee in tonight's game has been absolutely fantastic. Not fallen for any of the usual play acting and diving and brave enough to give the 2nd yellow when many wouldn't on such a stage.
A&H International
Yes he's top class. The Polish fella who did the PSG v Barca game last year in Paris is equally good. Having strong refs in the CL really helps the flow of the game as CL knockout games can be really fractured affairs with all the stoppages for play acting etc
BBC misreporting the second yellow as a foul, when it was dissent from what I could see in the replay.

Big decision that. Brilliant decision imo.
I think Brych has had a superb game. Only disagree on some minor fouls that nobody recall once the game’s over. He perfectly booked Verratti in the early stages of the game (if the player wants that yellow card not shown, he must think twice before stopping recklessly a promising attack), and nipped dissent in the bud when this same player decided to eject himself off the pitch. No remarkable protests happened after the ejection, players easily obeyed the referee’s decisions. I’d award the team top marks.

But I’ll focus on a negative incident. Do any of you recall an uncalled offside offence by Benzema in the first half? He’s clearly offside when one of his teammates makes an attempt on goal. The ball is deflected off two PSG players, and then Benzema gets it.
Would you consider the above mentioned gent in the same mould as the great Collina, of Italy

I'd put him above the likes of Busacca and Rosetti as the best since Collina. Maybe it's recency bias, but Brych seems to handle these very tough games with ease.
I watched a bit of the game and can only concur with the points made as to the ability of Felix Brych to get the big calls right.
He got everything that mattered right, did think he made numerous errors with simple fouls though. Did very well to ignore some pathetic play acting from both sides.
You make a good point, and one which I constantly preach but usually, it falls on deaf ears until the referee is experienced enough to absorb the meaning of my ramblings. Refereeing is not about giving a free kick, or not giving a free kick
Its about managing the game as a whole. Its entirely possible to have a great game without detecting every instance of foul play. When we are all new, we are too eager to spot every foul, thinking it makes us good. Its not. Its about knowing what fouls to penalise, when to do it, where to do it etc
Brych is the best referee around ( that I can see on tv anyway), at the moment