quick free kick


the voice of reason
Level 7 Referee
Yellow player decides to take quick free kick in the centre circle, despite the fact that a red player was stood right in front of him, perhaps 3 feet away.

Plays the ball quite gently, straight at the red player, along the ground. Red player lifts one leg out of the way to let the ball pass beneath him without touching it (not that he had to, of course).ball goes straight to another red player and reds break forward.

Cue yellow player telling me that red player had tried to play the ball and me trying, but failing, to make him understand what I had just witnessed, on and off, for the next thirty seconds or so.

Finally gave up and suggested that he buy a copy of the lotg to help him understand what he'd done
A&H International
I had a quirky one myself today.

Red freekick - closer to the half way line than the penalty area. I am taking my position and as I am doing so I shout for the wall to move back a couple of yards. At no point did I put the whistle in the air or indicate vocally that we were waiting for the whistle.

Red player sees the keeper (not the usual keeper) is arranging his wall and shoots a curler into the net. Keeper does not move. Goal given.

Cue shouts of "you can't allow that! The keeper wasn't ready!", "you have to wait for the whistle on a freekick" and lots of other nonsense.

My response was - you need to learn the laws of the game lads. Why on earth the keeper a) was faffing with the wall when it was so far from goal and b) didn't just get across and save it as it came from a long way away, I don't know.

Just because fate likes to do this; later in the game the other team get a freekick just outside the area and they ask for the wall to be taken back 10 yards - I hold the whistle in air, say to the taker "wait for the whistle" and shout to the goal keeper. As I am sorting the wall they take the freekick which I bring back. Cue moaning from around the pitch " ooh now it's on the whistle for a freekick!" Etc.

Just to top it off, a defender then moans that he wants to the wall paced out properly. I say to him I just did it 2 seconds ago. He says perhaps you should do it again, doesn't look right. I suggest he stops talking before I lose patience with his nonsense.