RC in a friendly

Good for you, I didn't get any official mentors either, I had to sort that out myself, and I am sure that there are plenty of other referees who are or were in a similar boat.

However, I strongly believe that in order to help new referees put the their best foot forward then they should, ideally, have a mentor for at least 3 of their first games, definitely on their first.

But obviously due to manning levels this isn't going to be easy for many to achieve.

I have applied to go on my mentors course in a couple of weeks, but need to wait to find out from my CFA if I've been accepted.

Mentors are made available, it is up to the individual referees whether they want to contact them or not.
A&H International
Mentors are made available, it is up to the individual referees whether they want to contact them or not.

This may depend on the area. I wasn't able to contact mentors directly, I only had the details for my mentor coordinator, who I was unable to get hold of. So I had to make my own arrangements as I was fortunate enough to know a referee who could come and watch some of my matches.
Mentors are made available, it is up to the individual referees whether they want to contact them or not.

I was never assigned any, was told at the course to email a specific email address with every game which I did, never heard back for any of them. Ah well
I was never offered a mentor. I never seeked one but they didn't offer one either!!! Not sure how they would have improved me as some of the refs locally that I've seen i wouldn't pay in washers!!! Had a few calls so far asking me to come back but the computer says NO!!!
I agree in principle with @Padfoot, but I'm hoping that he wouldn't apply those same principles to the first game of a 14 year old being in the middle... As has been previously pointed out - those six matches are where you find out for yourself whether refereeing is really for you or not, and with no observer or forum such as this, knowing what is right to do in certain scenarios can be very tough (which is why RA's can be so good to join, for shared self reflection).

Anyway, if this thread was a match, we'd probably have to abandon due to so many players receiving two yellows for dissent.