Reading material!

Philip Burrows

Level 7 Referee
Is there any books people would recommend for referees. Anything like a biography/autobiography. Being an avid reader I was just wondering if anyone knew of any.
A&H International
I'm also an avid reader, and am disappointed with the comparative dearth of books for referees.

I've read three refereeing books so far.

One was "The Art of Refereeing" by Robert Evans and Edward Bellion. Absolutely fantastic book - it has elements of a refereeing manual, but also conveys the authors' whole philosophy of refereeing, along with plenty of autobiographical anecdotes. I would recommend it to every referee.

The other two were biographies - Pierluigi Collina's was ok, a pretty good read, and an interesting look inside the mind of the greatest referee of his time.

However, I much preferred Graham Poll's - much more interesting, much more in depth and personal, particularly about his struggles after the three yellow card incident, and a really good insight into the life of a top referee.

Now I just need to get my hands on David Elleray's and Jeff Winters, and look forward to any other recommendations here.
Poll goes through his entire career in his book, very good read! The same with David Elleray's book. Another great read is 'One Night at The Palace' by Alan Wilkie.
I have read poll's (good), winters (not bad) and am working my way through ellary (decent so far). I also got hold of "the man in black" which is an interesting look at the history and development of the referee. Hard to find now, but well worth it.
Started reading this thread and ordered The Art of Refereeing and Seeing Red off Amazon. The website has a good selection of some of the books people have said they want on this thread if anyone wants to check the site out.
Hope you enjoy The Art of Refereeing! Just beware that some of it may contradict what you are taught by instructors or assessors (mind you in my experience instructors and assessors tend to contradict each other anyway). They are critical of the way things are done by the 'refereeing establishment' in some cases. For example, the authors will say that they always refer to players by their first name. Right after I read that, I was at a course where the instructor said that under no circumstances should you use the players first name, as it is extremely unprofessional.
Jeff Winter's book "Who's the b*****d in the black?" is meant to be quite good
Best book for a referee to read, and you should read it til you know it inside and out, is the LOTG ;)