Real Madrid vs. Barcelona


Active Member
Now I imagine you're thinking who would start this, well I will.. I think we need to discuss in some form.

Pepe's red card? Well in my opinion, it again shows the variation in the different refereeing styles from around the globe. This German referee Mr Stark has seen that challenge as a red, however I predict that had an Englishman (Messrs Webb/Atkinson etc) been refereeing the game, that would have been little more than a caution and a stern word. I am still pretty much shocked that he pulled the red out for that challenge when his follow through took him through into the next tackle. There was also no malice really either, and no intent to harm so I cannot fathom why Stark has sent him off.

I think he was a bit too inconsistent too, and seemed to give fouls on the reactions of the players and crowd, but that's just me. You may have seen it differently however..

A&H International
No more than a yellow for me. Didn't see the full match, only caught the highlights. What got my goat was the Barca players all surrounding the ref.
I know, the Barca' players surrounding the ref really annoyed me, and plus they could have had about 4 off because I caught Valdes et al, waving imaginary cards at the ref.. If they were doing that at me, i'd wave a card at them!
Hmm, I don't know what to make of that. You can use cards to your advantage yes, but in such a big game?

He talks about being ushered off by riot police, but we both know why that was Ross :p, and it wasn't just one bad game..