Red Card

Chris Crowe

New Member
I had to give my first "red card" today for a player who committed a two footed challenge, although he had already been cautioned for an earlier incident, this would have been a straight red.

Any advice on how I should report it ? do I report the Caution and the Sending off or just the sending off?
A&H International
Caution report is the simple drop down box menu, red is you "in the X minute of the gam between Y and Z ........"
Thanks I know how to fill the reports out, sorry probably didn't explain myself correctly. what I was trying to say was as the Red was a straight red incident "Serious foul play", should I have reported the yellow that the lad had in the first half, which I have now.
If you showed a straight red then it's two reports. A caution form and a red form. If it's second yellow then its just the red form