Ref Secretaries - What is your set up?


RefChat Addict
I'm curious how do you keep tabs of the availability of dozens of referees?
How do you allocate matches? Do you have a computer programme?
Some of you will not even know a referee more than his name, level and club marks (which isn't anyone's fault)
I like the ref sec that keeps me within a 7/8 mile drive of my house. Does that factor in at all?
It really seems like a MASSIVE ball-ache for either zero or minimal financial return.
What is the attraction? Cos you don't get the credit you deserve. At least a ref might get a cup final.
A&H International
I did the equivalent role here for a couple of years and we used primarily a computer program to handle things.

When it came to tournaments, I got the various availabilities of referees and then used big pieces of paper to plot out who was going to do what games so that nobody was doing too many games, nor would they do too many in a row/etc.