Referee Career....

A&H International

I will have a look I know it sounds silly but it works for me. Bear with me and I will get back to you.

Its something to do with the date. Were you trying to add add fixture for 18th april? What browser are you using?
I will need to have a proper look at it. Do you get an error for any date? Were you selecting the date from the drop down or typing it in? What happens when you add a fixture by selecting a date on the schedule calendar?

DRop me an email save us spamming the forum

Hi Graeme

I cannot sign up. Every time I fill in my details, it reloads the sign up page, where I can fill in my details. I have tried on my MacBook Pro and iPad, and both don't work.

Hi guys,

Having some major problems with internet explorer for some reason (curse Microsoft!!). If at all possible please use Chrome or Firefox to use the app for the time being.

Hi Graeme

I cannot sign up. Every time I fill in my details, it reloads the sign up page, where I can fill in my details. I have tried on my MacBook Pro and iPad, and both don't work.


Hi Jojo, if you are using Internet Explorer could you please try using Chrome or Firefox if possible.

Graeme - Signed up today (using firefox :), works fine for me) few things improvement wise - say you go to add a previous game from september but accidentally put a wrong date or something in then you can't change the date and have to put it down as a postponement or cancelled game. Also when displaying fixtures you can change it to display x number of fixtures but if you click a fixture then come back it goes back to 10, was just a little bit annoying to go through them all. might just be me though :)

something just to add for the schedule list might be things like RA meetings or in service training events i.e WRCFA held a training event on being an AR on a supply league last summer.
Also I have written in match fee as AR and it has not added it to the finance part
It now works for me!

One suggestion, could you have a drop down menu next to your team names when you are adding a fixture, which has all of the different age groups (a bit like on a misconduct form). I referee quite a few different age groups, so it would help to see which match was what age group. Just a suggestion.

Hi Graeme,

new site looks great, only problem is that I haven't logged in for months and can't seem to recover my login details. Is there any type of recovery system you could offer?
Got one suggestion Graeme. Once you enter a competition, would it be possible for this to be stored as a 'recent item'. So it could appear in a drop down bar. Would make the whole process much quicker!
On the "My Role" and "Referee Team" Fields - are you able to add the following fields:

"1st Referee"
"2nd Referee"
"3rd Referee"

This tool would be great for those of us operating on Futsal
Guys, I'm really feeling sorry for for Graeme at the moment, all these requests flying in.

Let's all be patient and let the fella get some sleep?

Graeme, one thing at a time my friend - I think you've got a fantastic idea and well worth the effort you've put in so far.
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the feedback so far. There is a lot for me to get through and I'll need to prioritize the obvious bugs before looking at some of the good ideas. I hope you all think this is something that will be useful so please stick with it, I will get there and you should hopefully see some improvements over the next few days.

Thanks again everyone and keep the ideas / issues coming (best email or pm me to save spamming the forum)

Graeme. If you need a hand with anything. Give me a shout