Referee logbook software

A&H International
eBay was the last place I saw it. Have you got the refstat spreadsheet that's on the useful information page?
RefStat - RefStat - Spreadsheet to help you track all of your games - To unlock more than 50 games, the password is RefStatPass
is there a way of entering more competitions in refstat?

or should i re-phrase that what is the max amount of competitions you can add/name

I.E. the league i am with has 4 divisions and a few tournaments
i am also with the navy who have friendly's and loads of tournaments
then there are the Wednesday leagues, Sunday leagues, both of which appoint to the local university leagues as well so i would like to add them in as well.

the only solution i can think of is to save as and rename each file as navy, Saturday etc.
Does the password I posted above not unlock it a bit more?
it has not asked me to use a password and i can open up at least 250 games, think i will just use league instead of each division!! KISS (keep it simple stupid)
Haven't used it for a while but in one if the menus there's an unlock option I think. Put the password in then. Ill have a proper look when I get on the MacBook.
cheers ross. i think the problem would be that it would need to be updated on every page, although i am good with computers i can not work with excel!!
No worries. I'm away this weekend but will have a gander when I'm home again