Refereeing data and statistics


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Hi guys - Does anyone know a good website(s) where I can view data/statistics about refereeing? e.g. the number of newly qualified referees / referees quitting per year. I'm doing a research project to do with refereeing (my essay question is "Why are there so few referees at a grassroots level?") and this sort of data would really help. I've looked at FA websites as a start but any other suggestions would be appreciated.
A&H International
Hi guys - Does anyone know a good website(s) where I can view data/statistics about refereeing? e.g. the number of newly qualified referees / referees quitting per year. I'm doing a research project to do with refereeing (my essay question is "Why are there so few referees at a grassroots level?") and this sort of data would really help. I've looked at FA websites as a start but any other suggestions would be appreciated.
Difficult to obtain meaningful data, as CFA's tend to record the number of new referees who re-register after one and two years.
That would in basic statistics terms allow you to arrive at a figure of non-returners, but this figure includes referees moving out of the county for work/family reasons, and those going to University in another county or country.
One issue currently is that we are still catching up with those who did the online part during lockdown and are awaiting a course to attend in their area - in my county, nearly 700 completed the online LOTG test during lockdown. We have nearly caught up, but we need to manage 30 courses to achieve that total.
Difficult to obtain meaningful data, as CFA's tend to record the number of new referees who re-register after one and two years.
That would in basic statistics terms allow you to arrive at a figure of non-returners, but this figure includes referees moving out of the county for work/family reasons, and those going to University in another county or country.
One issue currently is that we are still catching up with those who did the online part during lockdown and are awaiting a course to attend in their area - in my county, nearly 700 completed the online LOTG test during lockdown. We have nearly caught up, but we need to manage 30 courses to achieve that total.
Thanks for the reply