referees man of the match

andy love

Well-Known Member
Level 7 Referee
back in my playing days, and whilst i ran the line for my brothers team every Sunday, we had one or two referees in the Nottingham area who use to dish out medals to who he thought was the man of the match, this was only in youth football.

my dad reminded me of this last night, can't believe i forgot, i can see myself at some point doing this, but not sure if it would have a positive or negative impact were today's kids are involved i use to remember, feel happy for the team mate that got one regardless if we won or lost, and over the moon when i did.

would anyone else consider doing this, and what would your decisions be as to who won it.

my rules would be for respect of team mates, the other team, the laws, as well as performance, and not the overall work rate which everyone in the professional game seem to go by.

for example you could have the best player on the pitch, but he is a repeat offender of the laws and shows no respect, hogging the ball, slide tackles every other challenge, he in my opinion would not be the best player on the pitch and has a lot to learn.
A&H International
In all honesty, I'd steer well clear of anything like that.

If I've learnt nothing else from refereeing, don't go looking for trouble, it'll soon find you easily enough and this sounds like something that could cause quite a stir
cool thanks ross, the negative i can see is that, i am a better player than him, then the following weekend when another ref has them so ref who gets mom