Reporting another ref


RefChat Addict
So, overheard 2 players post-match this weekend talking about how their referee had told them he "wouldn't be sending the cards in". This made him "alright" apparently.
I know the players. I know which team they play for. I know which match they played in. I know the ref they were referring to.
Would you report this to anyone? The league or County?
I kinda feel if I don't I'm a massive hypocrit.
Would love advice from anyone who has been involved with leagues or county as to whether it's even worth reporting?
A&H International
Dear CFA,

As a referee I have to inform you that I am aware that on X, Referee X officiated in the game between Y and Z. During this game a number of cautions were issued. I do not know to whom, or for what reason, but have been made aware that there is no intention to submit these cautions to the league.

I would ask that you investigate this potential breech of League and FA protocol.


A ref with a conscience.

Print on a basic computer, get someone else to write the envelope and post off.

Take beer from fridge, remove cap, tune into BBC 1, and let feeling of warmth and rightousness flow over you.
I would find very hard to "let feeling of warmth and rightousness flow over me" if I did something which required me to "get someone else to write the envelope"
playground clyping, sneaking. on another referee is very dodgy ground and something i would not go near. if you cannot trust a colleague who can you trust, and how do you know the players havent got a vendetta against this referee, there are enough people waiting to stab you in the back in this game without another referee doing it
Jofus, if the player's are lying, the cards will have gone in and there's no problem.
As for "stab in the back", I owe a ref that doesn't send in caution sweet f**k all.
My allegiance is to the referee that gets assaulted cause the player concerned has never learnt that consequences have actions
My advice is to stay clear.

Reputations mainly. There is a possibility that there was a late change, so it isn't the referee you're thinking about.

IMO - things will sort themselves out eventually i.e. the referee will soon be found out.
Reputations mainly. There is a possibility that there was a late change, so it isn't the referee you're thinking about.

The ref was on the pitch next to mine, there is certainly no mistaken identity.
The ref was on the pitch next to mine, there is certainly no mistaken identity.
well thats down to your concience, but it just seems a bit strange if you have decided to do a colleague why did you come on here asking for advice, or is it just boasting
Jofus, if the player's are lying, the cards will have gone in and there's no problem.
As for "stab in the back", I owe a ref that doesn't send in caution sweet f**k all.
My allegiance is to the referee that gets assaulted cause the player concerned has never learnt that consequences have actions
This. I have been the victim of just this type of LWR behaviour. It's not "grassing" to make the powers that be aware of it - we aren't in prison lads :) because not all of us have the balls to stand up and do what is right is probably a part of why this problem exists.

As for how to handle it, however, I Am not a massive fan of the secret letter approach. Talking to a trusted senior colleague at local RA maybe?
I actually hadn't decided when I made the OP whether I was gonna do it. Now I'm 90% certain I am.
Why would I anonymously boast....
Personally I dont see what you gain from doing it. I dont agree with referees not sending their cards in, however I've been guilty of it in the past. I had my own (incorrect) reasons for doing so. That doesnt mean he is right not sending them in, as it is inexcusable.

Grassing him up to further your career are your words, not mine.

Player X getting off a yellow for lets say not retreating 10 yards doesnt mean he's going to deck next weeks ref. I can see why you might want to report it somehow, however its not something I'd personally ever do.
Surely blaming a 'grass' is no different to blaming a ref for conceding a goal after appealing for a foul that wasn't given. A poor excuse not to confront ones own poor behaviour.

On a slightly different tangent I had a similar conundrum at work before Christmas.

Found out that a manager in another department decided when he came in and went home at the weekends because the senior bosses didn't work weekends.

Many times he'd apparently turn up at 11 and go home at 2, despite being open 8.30-5.00.

That put the people in with him in a difficult position - he expected them to keep his secret for him based on this grass crap, and in turn he continued to take the piss.

I decided to tell our boss (both me and the guy in question are the same grade managers, although different departments, our boss is the same chap).

The question was how to do it, so I put myself in my bosses shoes.

I went in the following Monday morning after one of these self appointed flexi time shifts and told him I had heard something that if I was in his position, I would want to know.

I also finished with the same phrase 'I'm not trying to tell you what to do or be a stirrer, but it would be unfair to you for me to know this and not let you Know it was going on'

He was most grateful and it worked out well, in truth I earned far more respect from my boss than I ever would have kept keeping my mouth shut.
Some questions for @deusex

Do you know the referee personally? If yes why not tell what you heard the player say?

If no, then do you know someone who does? Tell them.

Are you and this referee members of the RA? If yes, mention it to a senior member. It might be that they know if this referee has previous for this.

Do you know anyone well enough at the County FA to have a chat with them about the situation?

I have been in this situation and I did all of the above. The reports arrived 2 weeks late. The referee had a computer problem which prevented submission of the report, allegedly.
If i was in that position and realising the "last week ref" situation would happen... i would contact the relevant personage at my county F.A. to obtain the correct procedure.