Reporting Scores


Serial whistler
Level 7 Referee

I refereed my 2nd and 3rd games today, and I was wondering if anyone knows if referees have to report the scores to anyone, as my league hasn't told me anything about this.
A&H International
Never usually a ref’s responsibility to report. If the league reports through FA Full-Time, you can add half-time and full-time while doing the report for parent/bench/team behaviour, “Respect” programme etc… but if you’ve not been told then don’t worry.
Many leagues have a referee report form to fill in after the game, sometimes this is an Excel form, more recently it is often on Full Time or a system like RefSec. That contains goals, but also things like misconduct, sporting marks, any breaches of league rules, etc. Check with whoever appointed you to the game.

I refereed my 2nd and 3rd games today, and I was wondering if anyone knows if referees have to report the scores to anyone, as my league hasn't told me anything about this.
As far as I was told you have to log your games on the FA Whole Game website. You should have a FAN number and log in etc and a 'Referee Dashboard'. It seems to be just for logging misconduct reports though as it doesn't ask for score details. It may differ in your area but I was given a link to a '5 game form' from the local FA Officer where I had to put the details of the first 5 games I'd refereed which included all details score etc. This was a must for completing the course.