The Ref Stop

Requesting A Professional Foul?


Target of Abuse
Level 7 Referee
Here's a random one ive just recalled happens quite a lot - but I never remember to bring it.

Obviously skilled player, runs the ball around 5 players and gets to the edge of the box. One of two things happens (pretty much everytime);

a) One/Few players shout "Bring him down"/"Cut him down"/"Take him out" etc.
b) Player goes on to score a worldie - midfields have a go at the defence/defensive midfielders and say "Next time he's got the ball, just take him out" (or something equally along those lines).

I hate both instances, its simply brat behaviour - and dont know how you'd personally handle it?
The Ref Stop
Caution for USP for me, depending on severity and repeat offenders after a dressing down. If dressing down doesn't work then I'd caution. Its gaining an advantage by unfair tactics
I would have a quick word with the captain when running past saying watch those lads - no need for that behaviour. Here's your warning.
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For me there's a few things here:

1) Persistent infringement is your friend. If one player is being continually fouled then PI covers this just as much as it covers one player continually fouling. Communication with the skipper is important so he knows it's coming, because the offender might be surprised if he gets a caution for his 2nd careless foul

2) Hearing this changes my views on where careless meets reckless an even where reckless meets dangerous. I know that fouls on this player are likely to have a degree of premeditation so I'm going to judge them more harshly than I otherwise might

3) A proactive word in the skipper's shell-like: you've heard this, you don't think much of it. You're expecting it and you will be taking action when it happens!!!
I understand persistent fouling, but ive never heard of persistent infringement...

So if one guy makes 10 super soft fouls, no aggression, just... you know... bad footballer. He'll probably on his second yellow somewhere along that line.

But if 1 guy is fouled 10 times (once per player), you'd start cautioning the player(s) even though you'll get the inevitable "Its his first offence" stuff?
I understand persistent fouling, but ive never heard of persistent infringement...

So if one guy makes 10 super soft fouls, no aggression, just... you know... bad footballer. He'll probably on his second yellow somewhere along that line.

But if 1 guy is fouled 10 times (once per player), you'd start cautioning the player(s) even though you'll get the inevitable "Its his first offence" stuff?

No no no. You would book an individual who is persistently infringing the laws. So if each of the four defenders makes a careless challenge, you only give free kick. If the same defender makes 4 careless challenge in fairly quick succession, he'd probably be going into.the book for PI
I would be pointing out to the skipper that I'd heard it, and therefore would be highly to produce a card for whoever decided to follow up on it......
No no no. You would book an individual who is persistently infringing the laws. So if each of the four defenders makes a careless challenge, you only give free kick. If the same defender makes 4 careless challenge in fairly quick succession, he'd probably be going into.the book for PI
It is not in the LOTG but I have certainly been advised that if one player is being persistently fouled by different opponents then a YC can be given to the third or fourth player who commits a foul. I think you would need to have a word with the captain before this but, as Mpaima Israel says, even if it is not technically PI (and I'm not sure that it isn't) then, if it looks like a concerted campaign, it is certainly USB for, if nothing else, acting in a manner which shows a lack of respect for the game.
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It is not in the LOTG but I have certainly been advised that if one player is being persistently fouled by different opponents then a YC can be given to the third or fourth player who commits a foul. I think you would need to have a word with the captain before this but, as Mpaima Israel says, even if it is not technically PI (and I'm not sure that it isn't) then, if it looks like a concerted campaign, it is certainly USB for, if nothing else, acting in a manner which shows a lack of respect for the game.

Not disputing that, just saying PI is against a player committing numerous fouls. As you rightly say, targeting one player would come under another USP code. Probably UB
If a defender commits more than one offence at once, punish the more serious one. If a single player has established a pattern to commit offence, warn and if it does not cease caution him for PI
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I've never seen a post divert so much from the OP. You all make good points but they have little to do with the OP. Herts whilst you mainly right with the PI however it doesn't mean that the carless tackles need to be in quick succession, they can be quite easily on 10, 25 and 80 minutes and you would be well within your rights to caution under PI.
enough of that lads remember i have nice shiny cards in my pocket said in a loud stern voice works wonders lol
I understand persistent fouling, but ive never heard of persistent infringement...

So if one guy makes 10 super soft fouls, no aggression, just... you know... bad footballer. He'll probably on his second yellow somewhere along that line.

But if 1 guy is fouled 10 times (once per player), you'd start cautioning the player(s) even though you'll get the inevitable "Its his first offence" stuff?

Absolutely. If a team's star player is getting carelessly fouled out of the game because the opposition aren't good enough to stop him legally then I'm going to stop that. If giving fouls doesn't get the message, then YCs come next.

Teams will do this deliberately - take it in turns to foul an individual - to minimise the chance of someone getting a YC for PI. Don't let them get away with it.

Caution code is semantics. What matters is the card(s).
Most of the time you wouldn't be stretching things too far by giving a caution for a tactical foul.

For anyone with half an hour to spare and a particular interest in Persistent Infringement from a team perspective rather than an indidual one, Certainly opened my eyes to a new concept.

Also an interesting website per se ....