Returning referee


New Member
Hi there,

I’ve recently returned to refereeing after 5 years away. I’m starting again at youth level. A lot has changed since I was last involved though. The use of sin bins, new rules etc so it should be interesting. Am I right I’m thinking sin bins are 8 minutes at youth level and 10 mins at adult level? Also is the respect handshake being used throughout youth football now too?

A&H International
I think we've to give handballs for just about anything too.... Just in case someone appeals!!
Hi there,

I’ve recently returned to refereeing after 5 years away. I’m starting again at youth level. A lot has changed since I was last involved though. The use of sin bins, new rules etc so it should be interesting. Am I right I’m thinking sin bins are 8 minutes at youth level and 10 mins at adult level? Also is the respect handshake being used throughout youth football now too?


Correct on the sin bin time

No youth leagues ive done have a respect handshake.
Hi there,

I’ve recently returned to refereeing after 5 years away. I’m starting again at youth level. A lot has changed since I was last involved though. The use of sin bins, new rules etc so it should be interesting. Am I right I’m thinking sin bins are 8 minutes at youth level and 10 mins at adult level? Also is the respect handshake being used throughout youth football now too?

Check the league rules regarding youth sin bins. The youth leagues I’ve officiated in aren’t using sin bins this season
No sin bins at any age group in my neck of the woods this season. I rarely do any junior footy, only when it suits but I always check the league rules as they change so often (usually for the better)