Open Age Second Game


RefChat Addict
What an absolute pleasure. After the nightmare a couple of weeks back with my first game, today's game was a delight. Div 2 players (as opposed to Div 6) who had a level of ability about them that meant that they didn't need to hack each others legs away. There was a bit of pushing and shoving, which I dealt with. No cards. Only had to have a word with one player (second time of deliberate pushing). A couple of minor incidents for me to review. One was a throw in that was headed into the goal. I thought that it had been flicked on before being headed in. Turned to allow the goal only to see the CAR flagging for offside. I blew the whistle, told the goalie to hold the ball where it was and went to the CAR. He said that one player was stood offside and in front on the goalie (blocking his view) and then went up to head the goal. I reminded him that you could not be offside from a throw and he told me that the player was offside at the time of the throw and was still stood there when it was first flicked on. I was happy with that and called the offside. Needless to say the goal scorer's were not happy but after the initial protests, and a quick explanation from me, there wasn't a peep out of them and they got on with the game. Another reckless tackle on the edge of the box. Protests from offender's team that it was outside. I was satisfied that it was inside and there were no more arguements.
The only other issue was the home team manager moaning that the opposition player headed the ball when he was well over the touch line. I couldn't see it from my position and the CAR did not flag it so I let them carry on. HT manager continued to moan about it for some time.
In fairness though the opposition told him to shut up and let me ref as I could only call what I could see. Mind you, whether they would have said that if I had said the ball was out when their CAR did not flag I don't know.
Anyway, as I said, a delight to referee. Restores my faith in the game and park level players.
A&H International
Well done! sounds like you may have a similar problem to me that our tolerance level is too high :) I'm trying to crack down on it much more now.
Careless wold appear to be the word he was searching for :) - beat me to it (/edit)

sounds like you enjoyed the game! Don't worry too much about managers/team officials, they always moan - it is part of their need to feel involved and important! As long as they keep it civil just ignore them. There is no answer you can give them which would make them any happier anyway.