Selo Shop


New Member

I work for Selo Shop based in Manchester, United Kingdom. I say United Kingdom as I believe you will also find Manchester somewhere in the USA. I personally I have a lot of experience playing football and refereeing matches. So, I hope I will be able to join in the forum and develop my knowledge further as well as share my experiences with you all...

So be gentle with me and I look forward getting to know you all a little bit better.
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A&H International

I work for Selo Shop based in Manchester, United Kingdom. I say United Kingdom as I believe you will also find Manchester somewhere in the USA. I personally I have a lot of experience playing football and refereeing matches. So, I hope I will be able to join in the forum and develop my knowledge further as well as share my experiences with you all...

So be gentle with me and I look forward getting to know you all a little bit better.

So, let me be the first to say, on behalf of all the members of the forum...what you going to give us for free? :D
So, let me be the first to say, on behalf of all the members of the forum...what you going to give us for free? :D

LOL - well you just gave me an idea. I will run back to my manager in the morning and see what can be done. I might be able to sort something out.. :)
Hi mate welcome to be forum.

What is selo Shop?

Sorry I didn't want to push the company too much. We are a Sports Equipment and Accessories supplier. We deal with all types of Sports from American Football down to Swimming and Tennis. However, football is our strongest category. I would not like to post the link the site as I new to the forum, so don't want to admins to get upset.
Sorry I didn't want to push the company too much. We are a Sports Equipment and Accessories supplier. We deal with all types of Sports from American Football down to Swimming and Tennis. However, football is our strongest category. I would not like to post the link the site as I new to the forum, so don't want to admins to get upset.
Feel free to post link & brief description in the appropriate forum!
Welcome, not everyone's a bad egg (although, avoid @SM cos he is ;))
How about a Ref Shirt, yellow, as a freebie? English refs only.

Do I really have to explain that one?
Why yellow? :confused:Why not any other colours? :confused:+1 on the racist.... :p
Oh and in Italy too, we are allowed to wear colors.:cool::cool: