Shocking Scenes in Ethiopia!!

A&H International
Never understand why in these sort of wacky videos the refs start to run, he makes himself look guilty & adds fuel to the fire, why he can’t stand there for Atleast 10-15 seconds and talk to the players, it always starts with the ref running and then it gets out of control.

Obviously in these types of country’s they fear for there safety at any given moment, sad really.
Never understand why in these sort of wacky videos the refs start to run, he makes himself look guilty & adds fuel to the fire, why he can’t stand there for Atleast 10-15 seconds and talk to the players, it always starts with the ref running and then it gets out of control.

Obviously in these types of country’s they fear for there safety at any given moment, sad really.

Easier said than done with angry people charging at you, natural reaction is always going to be to leg it once it becomes clear they don't just want to argue and rather are baying for blood.
Easier said than done with angry people charging at you, natural reaction is always going to be to leg it once it becomes clear they don't just want to argue and rather are baying for blood.

Michael Oliver should have legged it in the bernabeu then :)
Saw this on Reddit, and I have to say I was very disappointed that some people were justifying this because the referee was 'corrupt'... And a few comments that it was entertaining to watch.

Sometimes the internet makes me lose faith in people. :mad:
Michael Oliver should have legged it in the bernabeu then :)
I think that in UCL there are A) people responsible for safety of the referees and B) Players and coaches would face gigantic sanctions for violently assaulting referee so no need for him to run because he is afraid of being assaulted
Reminds me of the ref in Brazil few years back, beheaded and his limbs scattered in the 4 corners of the pitch