The Ref Stop

Showing immediately the referee signal


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,
Can’t immediately show which team kicked ball out of the field, can’t keep in mind which team belongs to one side and which to the other. What are your advices guys?
The Ref Stop
Occasionally, usually just after half-time, I’ve ended up forgetting who is attacking where at thrown ins. In these situations I’ve just shouted, for example “blue ball”, and then worked out where to signal after that.
Glancing back at defense can give you a quick clue to reset your directional sense. (Even better if a level where players rotate as keeper, so the keeper has matching socks . . .) Announce the color as you sort it out.

When I started reffing, the youth league used reversible shirts. And saved money by getting all teams the same red-blue reversibles and the same socks. I'd do 3-4 games in a row, and by the last game it was all but impossible to keep directions straight.
Glancing back at defense can give you a quick clue to reset your directional sense. (Even better if a level where players rotate as keeper, so the keeper has matching socks . . .) Announce the color as you sort it out.

When I started reffing, the youth league used reversible shirts. And saved money by getting all teams the same red-blue reversibles and the same socks. I'd do 3-4 games in a row, and by the last game it was all but impossible to keep directions straight.
Didn’t get it
Glancing back at defense can give you a quick clue to reset your directional sense. (Even better if a level where players rotate as keeper, so the keeper has matching socks . . .) Announce the color as you sort it out.
But sometimes all players run to the same direction, even defender can run with a ball in direction to the goal
Most referees suffer from this. Just take your time and if you aren't sure shout out a colour and don't point direction. Also wait to see who goes to get the ball and who walks away, more often than not that will give you all of the information you need.
Most referees suffer from this. Just take your time and if you aren't sure shout out a colour and don't point direction. Also wait to see who goes to get the ball and who walks away, more often than not that will give you all of the information you need.
Thank you, now you almost get it clean.
Shall I shout the color who takes or throw in, or color of the player who kicked the ball outside the field?
Thank you, now you almost get it clean.
Shall I shout the color who takes or throw in, or color of the player who kicked the ball outside the field?
Definitely the colour of the team who should have the ball next, optionally the colour of who last played it.
For example,
  • "White throw"
  • "Green's ball"
  • "Off Blue, Yellow ball"
  • "Black put it out, Red throw"
The inability to remember which team runs which way early in second half (which also makes you make wrong signals for free kicks) is sometimes referred to as halftime blues. Almost every referee has had this issues to some extent.

A lot of good suggestion for workaround above. But it is important to know that they should not be your primary way of doing it. For example waiting to see who goes for the ball and which way it is being thrown or shouting team colours should only be 'back up' methods. You should train yourself to be conscious of which team runs which way at all times untill it becomes a natural part of your game.
The inability to remember which team runs which way early in second half (which also makes you make wrong signals for free kicks) is sometimes referred to as halftime blues. Almost every referee has had this issues to some extent.

A lot of good suggestion for workaround above. But it is important to know that they should not be your primary way of doing it. For example waiting to see who goes for the ball and which way it is being thrown or shouting team colours should only be 'back up' methods. You should train yourself to be conscious of which team runs which way at all times untill it becomes a natural part of your game.
For me calling it is about communication of the decision, it pre-empts the arguments when someone has assumed it's theirs and didn't look. Always confirm with the signal, to avoid coathangers with your AR as well.
For me calling it is about communication of the decision, it pre-empts the arguments when someone has assumed it's theirs and didn't look. Always confirm with the signal, to avoid coathangers with your AR as well.
It being 'communication' is a very good point however in general signal has priority over voice. Even in your local park with no spectators you are not sure if all players can hear you but if you have aspirations to referee in big stadiums, everyone cans see your signal but not everyone can hear what you say.