The Ref Stop

Snowflake moderation

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The Persecuted One

Which forum rule does this breach?
The Ref Stop
3. No Spamming
We do not tolerate spam. This includes trying to sell illegal copyrighted goods via the forum as well as posting rubbish for the sake of it (or to raise your post count).

Try that one
4. Moderator's say is FINAL
Please do not argue with the Moderators over closed, deleted or edited posts. If a Moderator has closed a post, chances are it will not be re-opened so please do not make an issue of it. If you believe a Moderator is abusing his powers, please contact an Administrator.
3. No Spamming
We do not tolerate spam. This includes trying to sell illegal copyrighted goods via the forum as well as posting rubbish for the sake of it (or to raise your post count).
That ok for you now? To be honest im done on the matter, ive already wasted more time on this than i intended
I think the post may have resulted from me being flippant with a comment earlier in the thread. I was a bit out of order @Padfoot, so apologies for that
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