Spectator Abuse


New Member
Level 7 Referee
Worked as assistant for a game yesterday. Was a Women's League Cup semi final so had a really good turnout, and on the whole really enjoyed it and the game was brilliant.

However, as I was working the spectator side, I unfortunately took a bit of abuse from a group of lads who had sampled too much of the bar, in particular during the last 10 minutes.

There were some homophobic comments made and quite frankly some pretty threatening comments by one bloke in particular. Pretty sinister in all honesty.

As we were in the last 5/10 minutes, I just ignored it and let the ref know after the game. He said I should have just buzzed him over and he would have had them removed. In hindsight, I should have done but I just put up with it.

I've submitted an ER on Whole Game and dropped a text to the Ref Sec for a bit of advice but what else should I do here? I mentioned it to the home team coach and he didn't know them personally but they were talking with home team players after the game. I believe the game was recorded for a YouTube channel so I'll be reviewing the footage when it's out but just not sure who it should go to.
A&H International
Threats of violence and homophobic slurs are not acceptable and not something any referee should have to contend with. You have done most of the right things in your response. As the CR indicated the best immediate action is to bring to the matter to the attention of the CR so that it can be dealt with there and then. Don’t suffer in silence or feel compelled to put up with this kind of rubbish. It’s a pity this behaviour diminished what was otherwise a great experience by the sound of things.
I still really enjoyed the game. There was a good crowd and the game was fantastic, 3-3 draw and ended with penalties and definitely won't let this guy spoil that.

In future, I would definitely inform the referee. I personally could deal with it but now I'm just thinking about the next time someone runs the line with him behind them. As my OH pointed out, if he said the same things to a woman that he said to me, it could quite easily be a police matter!

I'm just keen for him to be dealt with ASAP. I'm not gay myself, which might be why in the moment I just shrugged it off, but as I thought on, it really doesn't matter. As far as he was concerned, I was and he continued to give quite personal abuse. Nobody deserves that at all.
I think the party line is just zone everyone out and do not engage.

If it escalates into the sort of abuse you mention get the Referee over. Just clear and concise, this has been said and I think this action is appropriate.

Then raise it in a ER.
Discriminatory language such as racism/homophobia etc is unacceptable. If this happens in the future, as per The FA's protocol, you must not/can not ignore it. You need to inform the referee of everything said and by whom, and make sure you both take notes of the incident details, location on the field, and time. If necessary, suspend the match and remove the players from the field. Sorry to hear about the abuse though, it's vile and no one should have to deal with it. I can't attach the specific guidance document for match officials on dealing with discrimination/discriminatory language because I can't seem to access The FA's website at the minute for some reason, but if you search for it you should find it.
I managed to find that document for match officials this morning. @TartanTyke this is really useful if it isn't something you have come across before. Example 7 on page 13 is exactly what you state happened so might be worth a read!


  • FA guidance on dealing with discrimination for match officials.pdf
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