Speedy sending off!


RefChat Addict
Level 5 Referee
Revisited my comprehensive school today to referee a Welsh School's cup game...
Just 16 seconds in and the GK handles outside his box... Red card produced and one very annoyed former school pal....
To make things worse 5 minutes later the captain is sent off for violent conduct after punching a player...
Not the greatest start to a game
A&H International
I once refereed an U/12, probably about the same point in the game (pretty much an attack straight from kick-off) there was a clear DOGSO. Unfortunately I didn't have the balls at the time to make the right decision so I let him stay on the park. Fastest actual red was 4min into the first match of the season. DOGSO again
I sent a 12 yr old keeper off after 5 minutes for same thing in my first season, the team still hate me to this day lol