

New Member
So today refereeing cup game and the home captain has a bad case of little man syndrome. He's trying to wind people but not doing anything to warrant a caution but I was keeping an eye on it. As the game progress' he is fouled jumps up and has a shouting match which is quickly resolved as the pair walk away the home captain spits which I think is at the floor but it hits the opponents shorts, I take this as a genuine mistake as no one would be that disgusting as to spit at someone.
Later in the half the ball is clear by the home defence under pressure, from the same spat on player as earlier as I look to where the ball has gone out the corner of my eye I see the away player push the captain, I blow the whistle to caution as I walk over he says he's been spat at again, there is spit on his shoulder, I was pretty sure what had happened but couldn't be certain as I hadn't seen it so issued the caution for the push.
Comes to half time and I'm asked why didn't you deal with the spitting to which all I can say is I can't deal with what I don't see.
In the second half all is fine until the 63rd minute when theres a confrontation between the same two players and another accusation of spitting which is about 70 yards from where the ball and I am. At this point the home captains own players can be heard saying "stop it its disgusting" which leaves me in trouble as everyone knows whats going on including me but I can't deal with it as I haven't seen it and as I said to the offended against team "it's not like I can whip out a DNA test"
At this point I'm gutted I've missed it and also angry that the player has now made me out to be a mug not seeing it.
6 minutes later theres a collision slighlty off the ball but nothing much he shouts "****ing hell ref you not seen that, are you gunna see anything today" I replied "theres nothing in it" to which he replys "you're a ****ing nob" at which point my eyes must have lite up I couldn't get the red out quick enough, not a soul complained his own team even assumed it was for spitting, disgusting. Was there any other way I could have dealt with this?
A&H International
Minimum suspension for OFFINABUS down here is 2 weeks, for spiting it’s 8 weeks.

My suggestion is as soon as you suspect something, adjust your runs and views as to keep an eye on the suspected player. If you have NARs, ask them to keep an eye on him too.

Sometimes you can be crafty in getting them to admit their offence. For example you can go to him and say “why did you spit at him?” If the response amounts to an admission of the offence then you have reason to send him off. Write your report and let the authorities take care of the rest.

I would also suggest you rethink how you judge genuine mistakes as from your description the original spitting that you did see was not a mistake.
Minimum suspension for OFFINABUS down here is 2 weeks, for spiting it’s 8 weeks.

My suggestion is as soon as you suspect something, adjust your runs and views as to keep an eye on the suspected player. If you have NARs, ask them to keep an eye on him too.

Sometimes you can be crafty in getting them to admit their offence. For example you can go to him and say “why did you spit at him?” If the response amounts to an admission of the offence then you have reason to send him off. Write your report and let the authorities take care of the rest.

I would also suggest you rethink how you judge genuine mistakes as from your description the original spitting that you did see was not a mistake.
In hindsight he meant to spit on him originally but at the time it looked as if it was aimed at the floor and not the man.
In hindsight he meant to spit on him originally but at the time it looked as if it was aimed at the floor and not the man.

Just take the attitude that spitting is a pointless act even when aimed at the floor, and if it hits an oppo player anywhere on the body, "accidental" or not, just bin them.
its a filthy habit, and thats exactly what it is, a habit.
i used to spit as a player, but soon realised that i dont do it when i play squash, tennis, when i go for a run or participate in any other sporting activity, so why do it during football.... definitely just a habit