"Stand on it"


RefChat Addict
Where is this coming from?
Every single match this season I've had at least one incident of a player standing half a yard from the ball after a FK is awarded: "on the whistle ref, yeah?"
Er, no. They are completely entitled to take a free kick if they want.
I'm having to get the captains and simply say the next person that does this will be sanctioned.
They seem genuinely surprised that a player can't stand on the ball whilst they sort out a wall.
Don't remember it happening as much in previous seasons.
Does this happen in your matches? How do you manage it?
A&H International
If its in a dangerous position, I make it ceremonial to make sure theres no arguments, if its half way line ill let them get on with it, if theres anyone trying to stand on it, ill yell at them to move and if they dont, ill book'em
I have heard refs tell teams that if they concede a freekick they can ask for the freekick to be on the whistle :rolleyes:

I would hazard a guess it is last weeks refs fault.... Lol isn't it always

On hearing "stand on it" or similar for the first time I usaully ask the offending player (he who is now standing on it) "is he paying your fine when I caution for not respecting the required distance? No? Then move out the way now"
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On every free fick be it direct/indirect i stand by the ball and say "who's the kicker?" when he identifies himself i say "You will go on my whistle,and do you want your ten yards?"(he will get it anyway)....
I always speak to everybody on my locker room
To the captains I usually ask if they have questions about me refereeing, one of them always says "mmh, about freekicks.. ?" so I answer that all freekicks can be taken quickly unless it's in the last 25m
And I don't know about you but here it became kind of a routine, captains know that we're all working as above but ask anyway, and we know that they know but we're going to remind them even if no one asks.

To answer OP question, if a player plays (really) dumb in a non-ceremonial FK, I simply shout at him "number XX STEP BACK !" the first time, if I see it again from the same team, chances of caution but happend only once (I'm not talking about players standing at 8yds but players obviously wanting to delay the restart of the game)
I asked a player to move away this week end and got the reply... "well you haven't told me where to stand ref" ...I swiftly responded with, "well you are currently 2 yards away, you have until I start pacing it out to have a better guess before I caution you "
Amazingly he retreated to where his mates were standing.
Deusex it's because so many referees make everything in the attacking third on the whistle to maintain 'match control'. The players come to expect that the referee will do their job for them.
Seems a lot of you don't allow quick free kicks in dangerous positions.
Can't help but feel you're denying a team a perfectly legitimate method of scoring.
If a team says to me " a quick one ref" and the ball is still then i have no problem...but if the other players not ten yards....and the taker complains after he kicks it i say "play on,you wanted it quick"
I hear this all the time, a 'polite request' to move back before they go in the book usually works.

Generally speaking, I go with a ceremonial FK in the final third but that doesn't mean I'll never allow a quick one. If the players want a quick one, they'll tend to ask for it. I allow the quick one when that happens.
To be honest I think you have to judge each situation on its own merits. I think in general we find most final 3rd free kicks are ceremonial nowadays, but as said before if the situation is right and they want it quick and you as the ref are happy with it, then why not! If I am not ready or need to slow the game down for any reason, then I will make sure everyone knows it is on the whistle. Am I denying them a good opportunity, yes maybe I am, but I reiterate... Every situation on its own merit. :D
For ceremonial freekick near penalty area every time read look at me...but hear match control
Does this happen in your matches? How do you manage it?

Two years ago, in Norway, we were told to get stricter when it comes to "delaying restart". When a freekick is awarded, an oposition player is not supposed to approach the ball in an obvious attempt to delay restart. If he is close to the ball, he should back off in an orderly fashion (he doesn't need to run away though, and as such may delay it a bit). I guess some might have been a bit too eager in issuing yellows, but I think it helped. Players are aware of this now and will not engage in obvious delaying tactics.

This guideline also means we as referees have to be very clear on wether we are going to signal for the free kick to be taken or not (ie, whether we will be setting the wall or not). Typically near the penalty box, we will interfere and thus not allow a quick free kick to be taken. Refs with a good understanding of the game will handle this well.

To answer OP question, if a player plays (really) dumb in a non-ceremonial FK, I simply shout at him "number XX STEP BACK !" the first time, if I see it again from the same team, chances of caution but happend only once (I'm not talking about players standing at 8yds but players obviously wanting to delay the restart of the game)

I do the same. Also, if I am forced to tell him where the line is, he will typically complain "that is way more than 10 yards". At which I will answer, "it is a lot closer to 10 yards than where you started, if you were at 9.5 I probably wouldn't have bothered".
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Had a team at the weekend taking all their attacking free kicks quickly. The defending team were furious. Amazingly still furious even by the fifth or sixth time it happened. If the attacking team doesnt want the wall paced out and happy to play on they shouldn't be penalised. It's not their fault the defending team is wandering about with their backs to the ball.
Deusex it's because so many referees make everything in the attacking third on the whistle to maintain 'match control'. The players come to expect that the referee will do their job for them.

Agree. If so many referees are saying 'everything in X part of the field is ceremonial', then you're removing the defender's responsibility to maintain 10 yards. You sending the message that defenders can stand wherever they like until you tell them otherwise. Which is, needless to say, garbage.

But that's why I'll have players run up to stand in front of the ball and, after being booked, try to tell me 'but you have to tell me where 10 yards is!'

Really.....you think from me to you away is ten yards, do you? It's an absurd notion - but it's a notion that too many referees are telling them.

But these are messy situations. What if they stand on the ball when there's no intention to play the ball quick anyway? What if they do that, and the attacker kicks it into them for the sole purpose of earning the kick? All sorts of messy scenarios.