stoke appeal against f.a. charge of violent conduct

A&H International
Stamp in my opinion, he lunges into the tackle and goes into players leg got to be a stamp !
Nah no stamp. Both going for the ball, player gets his leg under the studs just before they come down.

And obviously the ref sees it as a trip when it's just two players trying to occupy the same space at the same time.
I know you shouldn't judge it based on the player but rather action itself but seeing as it's Charlie Adam I am in no doubt he meant that. He is a sly player who is always looking to leave something on opposition players, he nearly ended Gareth Bales career.
My bad, my biscuits, Frank

Have now edited the link above. it's on bbc i player (so won't last forever, i assume). 38 minutes in.

adam has always had a vicious streak in him - ask gareth bale. also got sent off on his debut at blackpool for stamping all over richie wellens - but, god, how we could do with him now :)

Graham poll's opinion (from mail online)

Adam knew exactly what he was doing when he stamped down on Giroud’s calf and the FA must use video replays to charge and then ban him for his cowardly act.

When I was refereeing I was told to consider how a player would have reacted if it was a team-mate laying on the ground rather than an opponent.

If I look at replays of the Adam incident from Saturday’s game, I believe that had it been a Stoke player on the floor he would have managed to avoid contact – easily.

Of course it is very difficult to prove intent but I do not think you need to in this case. Nor do you need to ask the referee if he saw the incident clearly as the FA has a panel in place to judge that.
adam has always had a vicious streak in him - ask gareth bale. also got sent off on his debut at blackpool for stamping all over richie wellens - but, god, how we could do with him now :)

I am in no doubt haywain that Adam a) didnt stamp on Richie Wellens and b) Wellens fully deserved it... However that could be my tangerine tinted spectacles talking UTP
To be fair, though, even Charlie never quite managed to do this for us, tho' he never gave up trying

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Guys it's Charlie Adam. My way of tackling it includes him, Bellamy, Nolan, and Ashley young all getting yellows in the tunnel before we go out onto the pitch. Just to be on the safe side :)