Straight Red


Level 9 Referee
This might sound like a daft question so apologies if it does. A player commits a straight Red card offence and you issue the Red card at once but how do you go about getting the players name ? (i told you it was a daft question). You see it on games especially TV games all the time where a player commits a Red card offence and the Referee issues a straight Red in a flash but the Referee doesn't then engage in conversation with the player to retrieve his / her name. I know that the professional players have names on their shirts which helps a great deal. Just wanted any feedback from all you experienced Referees to how to manage it properly and correctly.
A&H International
Agreed with Brian , get all the details first then issue the red and tell the players to back away when they are in the process of contesting his /her innocence.
Unless you are on a supply or contrib league or above where proper team sheets with matching numbers are supplied you cannot emulate what the PGMOL officials do. You have to record name before dismissing the player
Personally, I never tell them, because that gives them an opportunity to either A) Hit me B) Get into begging/berating my decision.

Usually ill call them over, briefly talk about what I saw i.e. "Thats well late fella, proper leg breaker". Then just bang the card.

Usually when they spin around to look at their manager team in aghast - thats when I slip away back into position.
Might I also ass the caveat that sometimes it may be impossible/impractical to get a name (ie. player has stormed off).
In this case I will ask the captain for his name.
I've had it where the the player, captain AND officials refused to give me the name of a player (in an u18 league - great example the "adult" was setting) who I had sent off after the match. No problem. Red card was submitted under "#2" and the circumstances explained in the RC report.
But certainly never tell a player he is being sent off until the second before you produce the card.
When I receive my team sheets before a match, I will ask the manager whether all the numbers are correct. Then I can red off a number, not a name, and look after.

If team sheets aren't provided (a couple of leagues I've done they are not) then you have to call them over, even if you don't want to.
In France we would never have to ask for a name
From U8 to Vets, ALL games have game sheets where the numbers match the names, so for all events, all I have to do is catch the player's number on his back
And from the beginning to the end, I also have in my locker all the licences so I can check easily if shirt number/licence number/name/photo matches the player I have in mind
I honestly don't picture myself asking his name to a player i just sent off
Regarding straight reds, if a player has been cautioned and then commits a red card offence do you give him a straight red or a second yellow? How do you report it?
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If a player has been cautioned and then commits a red card offence do you give him a straight red or a second yellow? How do you report it?

If a cautioned player commits a straight red card offence.

You show him a straight red and send him off.

Report the yellow and red seperately.
if a team sheet number and name dont corespond report them teams problem not the referee

A reason to keep team sheets. If the team try and cover their tracks, you have evidence to ruin it.
Another question: when you've sent someone off for a second caution how is it reported? Do you report all three cards, report the two yellows or report the yellow and the red?
You would report the red card and the report would detail the two cautions.
Yup as @ASM said. Try and use the whole game system too. Makes it very easy as when you click S7 it comes up with two drop downs to pick the two caution codes that caused the red.

Easier to report than a straight red :D
Yup as @ASM said. Try and use the whole game system too. Makes it very easy as when you click S7 it comes up with two drop downs to pick the two caution codes that caused the red.

Easier to report than a straight red :D
Everything's on paper up here I'm afraid :(