Strangest Penalty Shoot Out


Well-Known Member
Well I can say for sure that I have just witnessed one of the strangest penalty shootouts I've seen in a school game. I was just watching, not officiating, but here's what happened.

Cup game ends in a draw so goes to Kicks from the Penalty Mark.
Gets to 4-4 after 5 penalties each.
Red team miss their 6th penalty kick, and the blue team score, so the blues start celebrating, unbeknownst to them that the referee is ordering a retake due to the blue keeper being off his line when making the save.

After about 4-5 minutes of the referee trying to get the blues off their high horses and back down to reality, the kicks resume. The retaken kick by the blues is missed, so we now go to the 7th PK but by now there are 3 blue players in tears because they though they'd won.

Anyway, we get to 10 kicks each and still no clear winner so we go to the 11th. Red player goes up and misses it and then blue keeper goes and scores...They think it's all over.....Not a chance.

Reds claim that blues 11 players had all taken a kick each, but because they only had 10 (red player had to leave after the final whistle of the 90mins for a doctor appointment) that the last kickers penalty shouldn't count and he should not take a PK and it should go to the 1st taker again.

Referee agrees, disallows blue keepers penalty to make equal balance of players, and makes the 1st blue PK taker take the 11th penalty. He misses which caused abuse from every angle of the pitch. The game went to 16 penalties each and in the end the reds actually won despite thinking they'd lost twice!

Out of curiosity, what would you have done if a player left before the penalty shootout like happened here?
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A&H International
Same effect as being sent off. The team with more players nominates somebody not to participate in the shoot out.
The only reason I ask is that there were subs available.

What though if the player deliberately left because he was the worst penalty taker ever? Doesn't seem very fair on the other team
I believe that only the players who were on the pitch at the end of regulation time can take a penalty in the shoot out, I think.

That'd be a weird situation to be in but I suppose that you would have no other choice but to get one of the other team's players to step down.
If the player knows that he is going to have to leave for a doctor's appointment he should get subbed off for another player before the final whistle, then both teams have 11 players on the pitch for the KFTPM

Because he leaves the other team must reduce their team to 10 unless the competition rules state otherwise. He seems to have done the right thing in law to me, the only problem that I can see for me is that the team must go down to 10 before the kicks start the referee should've checked like you would at the start of the half. Not something you would expect to happen though.

How old were the teams btw? And what round of the cup was it?
Yip, numbers need to be equal at the start of the kicks from penalty spot. Ref should have equalled the numbers by asking for a blue player to be taken off the pitch (only eligible players in the centre circle) at the start and made note of kickers as they kicked and ensured they were eligible. Good point here, always note subs coming on and shirt number of those going off for cup games in case of pens.

Sounds like a mess. Was there uproar at the end?
Out of interest, if somebody was sent off during the penalty shoot out, would the other team nominate a player not to continue?
Sounds like a mess. Was there uproar at the end?

Oh yes, complaints from the losing team claiming they were cheated etc.
Out of interest, if somebody was sent off during the penalty shoot out, would the other team nominate a player not to continue?

as far as I'm aware if you get sent off during a penalty shoot out then your team has a player down and the other team keep all their players. Only if it is before the shoot out you amend.
I too witnessed the match describe by mickey2001. Having spoken to ref involved, it appeared a nightmare to deal with. After 10 all,and Blues manager admitted he had taken a player who had finished the match to hospital, thus resulting in only having 10 players. He did not notify ref of this at the time.(cause of chaos) 10 Reds had taken penalties with exception of GK, so even though the Ref should have withdrawn a Red kicker at start,he couldn't have known this. The only player left to withdraw for Reds was goalkeeper which would result in him not being able to face the kicks. Confused??? The Ref could have controlled the matter better,but the confusion was caused by Blues withdrawing the player without notifying ref(cautionable offence).
Wonder what the respective governing body would think of that? I am guessing he reported it?