
The problem with taking a tough stance towards dissent etc is that you will often be in the vast minority of refs in a league.....the majority are more concerned with either club marks or being best mates with the players.....

Coupled with the worst teams whining to the league who are **** scared about losing teams so they will simply stop giving the tougher refs games to keep the teams happy.......other refs see this and are scared of not getting games so they keep on with the soft approach.....teams see that they can intimidate the league so their behavior never changes.....,the CFA don't give a **** as long as they get their affiliation fees and fines.......

Unfortunately the whole parks football system is not fit for purpose.......

This is why I have only done a handful of games this season, along with a small injury, I really can't be arsed pandering to the inflated egos of Sunday morning prima donnas who believe they can behave however they want towards their opponents and more importantly, me.
A&H International
Which is why I said it would have to be all referee. :)

I take your point though. But as you highlight, nothing ever changes unless we as referees make something happen because the Cfa just want an easy, fine filled life.
I agree a zero tolerance approach which was backed by the CFA and leagues would be the only way it would work.

But everybody would need to stand together. Ultimately it would be to the financial benefit of the CFA to back it, it would work for leagues in the long term and would make our lives easier in the long term too.

Won't happen though, it's easier for the powers that be to bury their heads in the sand than tackle it head on.