Supply league (quick question)


Well-Known Member
In the supply league Do you get a team sheet before k.o with the players names and numbers ? And is it a decent standard of football ?
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A&H International
In the supply league Do you get a team sheet before k.o with the players names and numbers ? And is it a decent standard of football ?

Yes and compared to your average Sunday league it's a lot better, some clubs pay their players.
To put things in broader context, the 18 or so Supply Leagues around the country are about halfway up the Saturday 'non-league' pyramid in England. Below them are the local Saturday leagues and the County Leagues. Above them, promoted teams from the Supply Leagues go into one of the three Contributory Leagues (Northern, Southern & Isthmian). In my part of the world, referees on the top division of the Supply League are L4's, the other divisions generally L5's. Assistants on all divisions are generally L5's and L6's with the occasional L7 thrown in for good measure. It's a truly semi professional standard of football with team sheets, tightly applied league rules and three officials on every game who tend to arrive 60-75 mins beforehand in suits / collar & tie.