Surrounding the Referee


RefChat Addict
This the most ridiculous I've ever seen a team surround the referee. They should be heavily punished, but they probably won't.
A&H International
I don't just want this stamped out as an ex-referee, but as a fan....it's ugly, it slows the game down, and it's a cancer on the game.
And it COULD be stamped out. But the authorities seem to want it in the game.
Sooner the referee is allowed (dont know if hes allowed now) to put a spray mark down and nobody passes it the better.
There is a clip somewhere of some South American? ref heading over to speak to lino and using the spray to make a clear, dont cross this line, line
There is a clip somewhere of some South American? ref heading over to speak to lino and using the spray to make a clear, dont cross this line, line
Yes, I've always loved this clip. It was surprisingly effective - the players did exactly what the referee wanted and stayed behind the line as if it formed some kind of physical barrier.
How can we stop this? Seems to be some sort of 'crack down' on it every few years, never resulting in any changes as there's invariably no on pitch sanctions.

Team caution for mobbing, two team cautions and you lose a player? Probably a crazy idea but sin-bins are supposedly working.
I know an MLS referee did it once. I'm sure he's not the only one.
That might have been the clip I saw - I'm not sure which country it was in (though I know it wasn't England). I do remember being amazed at how effective it was. It reminded me a little of one of those stage hypnotism acts where the subject believes there's an invisible barrier they can't cross.
That might have been the clip I saw - I'm not sure which country it was in (though I know it wasn't England). I do remember being amazed at how effective it was. It reminded me a little of one of those stage hypnotism acts where the subject believes there's an invisible barrier they can't cross.

I believe the referee was JC Rivero (I remember since that since I have met him), but I still couldn't find the clip.
There is a clip somewhere of some South American? ref heading over to speak to lino and using the spray to make a clear, dont cross this line, line

I absolutely agree that this could be a good measure to prevent the immediate issue. However, like alot of issues regarding refereeing, we are dealing with the symptoms and not the route cause. A big fine and bans for the players involved and goodbye issue.
I absolutely agree that this could be a good measure to prevent the immediate issue. However, like alot of issues regarding refereeing, we are dealing with the symptoms and not the route cause. A big fine and bans for the players involved and goodbye issue.

Its a damming indictment of a referee who needs such tools as the spray in the first place, How on earth did referees manage until the last few years.
However if the tools are there, then makes sense to utilise them to their full potential
The fa charge teams for failing to control their players or if a certain number of the team get booked?
Bans can be the only deterrent really. It would take two months of zero tolerance across the board from top to bottom.