Surrounding the Referee

Its a damming indictment of a referee who needs such tools as the spray in the first place, How on earth did referees manage until the last few years.
However if the tools are there, then makes sense to utilise them to their full potential
The fa charge teams for failing to control their players or if a certain number of the team get booked?
Bans can be the only deterrent really. It would take two months of zero tolerance across the board from top to bottom.
Good to see you up and about.... I agree, it starts at the top, bans, fines, points.... it will disappear very quickly
A&H International
Refs at the top level dont help themselves, they know the laws on dissent but how many do you actually see giving out cards for players in their face who are blatantly telling them to eff off.
I honestly doubt the governing bodies are genuinely interested in participant behaviour. On the contrary, the sensational antics of players and managers are part of the entertainment for a large proportion of the ever-increasing global audience. The 24/7 news machine is in love with it. Whichever way I look at it, things are not going to change. The good news is, refereeing isn't about to get easy; which strangely is why many of us do it
I honestly doubt the governing bodies are genuinely interested in participant behaviour. On the contrary, the sensational antics of players and managers are part of the entertainment for a large proportion of the ever-increasing global audience. The 24/7 news machine is in love with it. Whichever way I look at it, things are not going to change. The good news is, refereeing isn't about to get easy; which strangely is why many of us do it

@Big Cat that sounds like an exert from JFK's speech.... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.....:)
I'm more shocked by how the referee managed to miss that as a penalty than the players'/manager's behaviour tbh

There is that ! But I think your mindset (not you personally) is part of the problem here. "we" forgive the manager, we think its ok, because the decision was wrong. Its like, acceptable to act like that because you never got the penalty.

When clearly, its not.

Clubs need to take responsibility for their employees too, all very well getting a few game ban from the league, but, you really need the clubs board to come out and say, nope, not acceptable (which they might do behind closed doors), and make a stand.
Maybe then behaviour can be improved.
The Practice of Surrounding the referee needs stamping out. IMHO it needs to be done in partnership between NGB's, Local Bodies, RA's and the clubs. IMHO there needs to be a memorandum of understanding put together on the matter and the document MUST state what punishment will be dished out if clubs infringe the terms of the MoU
Its very much likely in times to come that an actual robot of sorts will referee the top levels, controlled by the man in the van.

Prob wont stop players going to demonstrate with an inanimate object tbh
Well at least he looked smart and had the latest kit on... to miss a penalty, sorry, rugby tackle like that is inexcusable even on a parks pitch. I’d be miffed as a coach too, can’t condone entering the pitch but they don’t get much easier than that! 1/10... must do better!
Another word for loo roll!
The prospect of a good old touchline ban obviously had this character shaking in Christmas knickers

without checking, he is currently on a 6 match ban

banned from tech area is not enough, should be banned from games full stop. Watching the game from the stand is not a punishment esp in this age of technology.
without checking, he is currently on a 6 match ban

banned from tech area is not enough, should be banned from games full stop. Watching the game from the stand is not a punishment esp in this age of technology.
In the context of football, I'd struggle to class his behaviour as rare (or even unusual at a stretch)
he is actually on the pitch, when game was in progress, to get to the referee. I cant say I have seen this often.
Yeh, the mini pitch invasion was probably the reason for the stoppage. Question is, can the ref overcome the hairdryer treatment to remember the restart and from where!? ;)