TA occupants goal celebrations


Level 5 Referee
Should technical area occupants be cautioned for entering the FOP to celebrate a goal?
A&H International
Should technical area occupants be cautioned for entering the FOP to celebrate a goal?
Law v Expectation generally.

If they’re sprinting on the FoP and having a gander round it then yes, if it’s just a yard or so on, then back off fairly quickly, I wouldn’t be cautioning
I had to send one off once. After a feisty match team A score a 93rd minute equaliser, and the manager sprints onto the pitch across the 18 yard box to celebrate with his team. I'm like your an idiot I should be booking you but I see why you are excited so just try to tell him to get off the pitch. The team B keeper then gets in a scuffle with a team A player over the ball for the restart of play - so I shout at them to back off each other and leave it. The manager the gets involved 😑 and starts shoving the keeper. They then split off and go for the reset and I go wait a minute; caution the keeper, caution the player (Who was already on a yellow for AA the idiot) and send him off, and finally send the manager off. Restart the game and blow the final whistle with a whole bunch of paperwork to do :(. Surprisingly the manager I sent of still needed to pay me and did without issue.

So in total, it depends on context as others have said. Jumps a few feet on the pitch to celebrate and gets off, leave it. Runs across the pitch celebrating, yellow. Gets involved with a opponent aggregating them (100% physical, could be verbal some of the time), its a red for me.