The FA "Use Your Head" campaign

A&H International
Hundreds of Thousands more kids are going to watch Match of the Day than will see that clip

Making it a complete waste of Fa Money

Stamp it all out at the top level and we may well achieve something ?

I could stop swearing at and abusing people for £60000 plus every week ....Easily
I could do it for £60k per week but I would gladly start to do it for 50k per week if you're offering?
£50000 pw that's pushing it a bit for me ?

let me speak to my people ?
That's fine. If it's a deal clincher I'll also get you 8% of Wayne Rooneys swear jar to top up your earnings annually......by top up I mean double ;-)
Same impact as "Just Get on With The Game" that was running a few seasons back, may well still be running for all I know.