The Referee - German referee trys to commit suicide

Over the weekend there has been the shocking news coming from Germany of the attempted suicide by Babak Rafati the Bundesliga Referee. Details are not clear, however his assistatns were concerend that he was 15 minutes late for their pre match meeting at the hotel. When they entered his room following asstiance from hotel staff he was found in the bath having cut his wrists. The match he was due to take charge of Cologne and Mainz, was abdonded and rightly so.

While this is worrying news on its own. I wonder what the issue with German football is. Over recent years there has been the suicide of Robert Enke, the German national team keeper. THere has also been Breno the Bayern Munich defender who set fire to his own home. Also Ralf Rangnick resigned as manager of Schalke due to burn out earlier this season.

Hopefully Babak can put behind him whatever his troubles are and recover his full health, however if he will return to the Bundesliga and FIFA it remains to be seen, but I expect that is the least of his worrys.

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