This weekend's game


Active Member
I finally managed to take charge of a game on Saturday for the first time in 2 months. a cup game with the team in 3rd playing a team near the bottom with only one win all season. i had reffed both of the teams previously.

although the game was close and even for an hour, the higher ranked team eventually ran out 5-0 winners. didn't have to get the cards out once, barely a mistimed challenge or crossed word in the game.

after the game a player from the losing team actually told me that i was the best ref in the league. that was a really nice thing to hear, and made me really proud of my performances so far.
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A&H International
Love it when players say that. or when you here "yay we've got the good ref again". Always brings a smile :))
It's amazing that, even though a very small gesture, a compliment about your performance is very meaningful - probably because they are so rare! I always ensure that when I play (unless they've been particularly bad or they card me!) I praise the referee after the match when I play.
I had a junior game once where afterwards the players were all buying ice-cream from a van and one of the players turns round "Ref! Ref! Since you had a good game do you want an ice-cream? I'll pay!" Never heard of that happening before! I did decline cause I then went to McDonalds for food instead!
I had a junior game once where afterwards the players were all buying ice-cream from a van and one of the players turns round "Ref! Ref! Since you had a good game do you want an ice-cream? I'll pay!" Never heard of that happening before! I did decline cause I then went to McDonalds for food instead!
Declined a free ice cream?????:eek: You shock me! I would never do that!
Parents were a bit pushy, even got accused of being a perv, had to be careful on what I did so had to say no sadly.
Parents were a bit pushy, even got accused of being a perv, had to be careful on what I did so had to say no sadly.

That's a cheap shot, normally made by someone who hasn't got the intelligence to think up anything more witty. If it was a parent of a member of one of the teams, I'd be reporting it to the relevant authorities.
Love it when players say that. or when you here "yay we've got the good ref again". Always brings a smile :))

It's always fantastic to hear something like that, makes a change from the "worst ref we've ever had" jibes that come on a weekly basis.

The best comment I've ever had came from a youth player. I ref the team pretty regularly and they seem to like me, usually get the "yay, it's Matthew" when I arrive. Anyway, I was talking to one of the players and he said "last week's ref was rubbish", so I replied "oh, and why was that?", to which he said "because he wasn't you" :D
That's a cheap shot, normally made by someone who hasn't got the intelligence to think up anything more witty. If it was a parent of a member of one of the teams, I'd be reporting it to the relevant authorities.
It was a pre-season friendly game so don't even know why the person was annoyed that the team lost. I just ignored it, wasn't worth the fuss.
if my job meant that i spent lots of time in close proximity to kids and someone i didn't know called me a 'perv' in public and in situ, i'd be doing everything i could to get a name and make a report to the county f.a. at the very least.

Perhaps the fact that I'm 55 and you're 17 makes a difference. Perhaps not.