Junior/Youth Threatening Language

Russell Jones

RefChat Addict
Was an assistant at an U11 game last weekend. After a disputed incident, one player from each side started arguing the toss .. then one said to the other "You better shut up or I'll put you in A&E"

I informed the ref of this, he had a strong word with the offending player but then left it at that. Would be interested in any views regarding what you would have done as the ref in this situation ...?
A&H International
Where u an appointed ref to this game or club lino?

If appointed I would have strongly suggested that the ref should have sent him off. I would of explained the situation to the manager as well. I know it is U11 but this language is far from exceptable on FOP and I would hope you be be supported by the manager/ parents
"You better shut up or I'll put you in A&E"
That's a threat of violence and is a red card all day, should also be reported to the local FA as there's NO space for that in football and shouldn't be accepted. The player also deserves a lengthy ban
U11? Bravado and trying to be "big" in front of his mates. Public dressing down, embarrass the little "darling", making sure that the manager can hear why - repeating the words in this case can help.

Caution for Adopting an Aggressive Attitude at worst, but pull him up for every infringement and be a rottweiler on all fouls for a few minutes.

Of course if he actually strike or attempts to strike, then he's away.
I was a club lino on the day so didn't feel it was my place to push it too strongly .. but was entirely convinced that the 'quiet word' wasn't going to avoid similar incidents in future. I'd have been tempted by a yellow at the very least!
Now I don't agree there Tealeaf... I personally think that if a player wants to talk like that he has no place on the football pitch and should be sent off.
Only issue is that unless you're an appointed AR, the referee can't send a player off on your advice. If he didn't hear it himself, he has to refer to you in the misconduct report, and unless the AR in the report is appointed, the league will probably not do anything about it. At least that's what we were told!

However, a player speaking like that to any match official is completely inappropriate and (correct me if I'm wrong) a qualified referee can submit a misconduct report on any game in which they are present, even if they aren't actually in the middle. Maybe even just a quick email to the league to let them know what's happened
Now I don't agree there Tealeaf... I personally think that if a player wants to talk like that he has no place on the football pitch and should be sent off.
Especially as an 11 year old. You send an 11 year old off for that and I guarantee you he will never do the same again.
I'm inclined to agree with Tealeaf, very public warning and yellow at worst for me, unless anything else came after like throwing a blow