Time for a Change....


RefChat Addict
Ever heard of the old saying that 'when the time is right, you'll know'?

Yesterday was that time. U16 match, top versus bottom. The home team were absolutely terrible; appalling attitude and not once did they even attempt to get the ball on the ground. From the first minute they were making lazy challenges, moaning and just generally taking the mickey. The game ended 0-8, with five cautions in total and obviously it was all my fault.

I didn't enjoy one minute of it and was just thinking, what's the point?

I've reffed in the same youth league for eight years now, and I've just had enough. It's a culmination of a number of things to be honest; poor administration, managers/players who behave as they want and a fourth consecutive year without a cup final (despite having no real issues and decent club marks all season). The grass must be greener? Whether that be another youth league, OA football, maybe both, I don't know.

I referee because I love doing it and I love being a part of the game, but that enjoyment has gone and I just feel a little indifferent to it all :(
A&H International
How about trying another league next year? Maybe do 2 weekends a month on your current league and 2 on a new league?

Give it a few months and see how you feel about which league you want to continue with.

You could always try speaking to your fixtures secretary and tell him how your feeling. He might give you something to motivate you.
Easy, swerve youth football....
When they have got to adult football, they realise that the antics of the PL prima donnas are not worth tuppance.
Seems that the problems are others admin etc - change leagues, move from youth, or at least move you leagues. as above, youth is what it is as ttheyve not ventured ino adultt football. When they do, a lo change their attitide as realise they are not the billy big balls they thibk they are at U16.

You do what you do for the reasons you want to - dont waste yourself on those that dont deserve you. If a league has reffs quitting cos the teams are shocking, then the good teams lose out due to the rubbish teams. so either the bad teams have to go, or everyone has the refs that are willing to put up with the crap.

I don't take crap from players on the pitch, and I dont give them crap reffing. There's a reason a local league is know as the bad one - bad teams, bad players, poor refs etc - they only have themselves to blame, and the refs that left have better teams, better games, better opportunities and are happy refs.

If you are getting your decisions right, your admin is good and you want to move up - move on. You wouldnt stay at the same company if working conditions were like this!

Summer coming up, closed season, look round for some different leagues and contemplate. No point jumping after a season of "grief".
As above. I did a few games on a youth league a few seasons back, did one game where i sent 3 off from the same team and that was my lot. Supposedly "last week's ref" didn't deal with the discipline issues and it just gets out of hand - I decided it wasn't worth it. I haven't done a youth game since, except for County Cup appointments and believe me I take absolutely no nonsense from ball one. Some of the teams I have done have been shocked by this.

Do OA and get your mojo back for next season. Can't say it's any easier, and you'll have some bad games, but generally the attitude and discipline is better, not to mention there are rarely any parents talking gibberish on the sidelines.
you might just be suffering from end of season blues and need a few weeks rest from fotball, it happens
Thanks for the replies, guys.

A time for reflection I think. I'll have a look around at some new leagues and opportunities over the summer; OA could be an issue though, given that I'm not available on the majority of Sundays (a couple of games a month may work though).
For what it's worth, I've found OA on Saturdays to be by far the most enjoyable football to be involved in (if that works with your schedule). And actually, if you want a totally fresh start, then applying for promotion could be worth considering. Even if you have no big dreams of future heady heights, the benefit of advice from assessors is useful and promotion candidates sometims get 'better' appointments to test them out .....