Time To Send Off The Injured Man...


Target of Abuse
Level 7 Referee
Afternoon All,

Bit of a random one, but a player, genuinely had the worst luck the other day.

He was "smashed" twice, the first time, a group of 4 jumped for the ball (2v2) and he apparently got elbowed - but not a chance I was seeing it. So he had a moan and asked how I could have possibly missed it yada-yada-yada then his team chipped in - A.N. Other got more mouthy so he was cautioned for that (line in the sand approach).

Then much later on, corner comes in, cleared by a header, the entire contents of the penalty area (perhaps 14-16 players at this point) all rush out for the ball and (apparently) this lad gets studded down his leg.

Theres no doubt it happened, because he has a red line down his leg (presumably from someone jumping up for the ball and landing on him - as I didnt see any stamping/deliberate stuff). But we're talking cluster-job of players, no chance I was going to see any detail like this...

But he's stayed down, moaning and moaning about me and "Missing it again". Manager/Captain/Midfielder comes over and he has a moan, I tell him straight "Massive cluster of players, ive not seen anything untoward" - manager/captain/midfielder gives me a load of mouth about "How often are you going to use that excuse" - I answer back that its the second time today - we're in the 80+ minute at this point - which I think isnt too bad.

Then the player on the ground, who's lining up to get substituted *really* starts mouthing off. Starting with the whole "Disgrace to game" nonsense about missing the challenge - but then gets aggressive - and it goes into insults. Which I always deem a red card incident if an insult is directed at me.

But he's being carried off by the time I calm myself down... but he's still going on and on and on and on and on.

I *really* wanted to bang the red card there and then - but sympathies took over.

I could imagine the riotous response it would have received too.

But its pestered me now... and we've on Tuesday now!

A&H International
This is why once you've summoned the trainer/physio on to the field, you clear off to a suitable distance to "give him room to work". Really it's so you can't hear him and the player moaning about the incident leading to the injury. It's also one of the unwritten reasons for making the physio take the player off the field. You take the potential problem off the field and out of the way.
Ah, that’s my own fault then, I always stick around, usually to keep other players crowding around the player (to give them the space to work etc)

But also, because if they need to sub him off, id like to be there so they don’t have to shout at me.

But might try that one next time.

Then if the injured player *really* feels the need to shout across the pitch at his disappointment with my decision – I could send them then… Because ill have 21 witnesses that will see that my line in the sand of “Unacceptable Things To Come Out Your Mouth” is strict.
Yup always take yourself as far away as possible to avoid them talking to you. Manager from the weekend has a nice misconduct report being filed for shouting some rather unpleasant phrases at me about 25 yards away.
Where are you standing when these challenges are occurring?

The 'final' challenge happened on the edge (far right) of the 18 yard area - towards the corner flag, I was about 10 feet away on the edge of the 18 yard area (near the edge of the semi circle) so I consider myself close enough to play (like always).

But because it was a corner, plus being low level football where people chase the ball, there was a massive amount of bodies in the way.

I do my best to side step so I can always see play, but this happened quite quickly... So players running for the ball, players clearing the box, it was chaos!